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Pork and Mustard Green Soup

Soups and Congees

Pork and Mustard Green Soup
1 to 2 pounds of boneless pork
1 pork bone
8 cups of pickled mustard greens (see below), cut into one-inch pieces
ground white pepper, to taste
1 stalk lemon grass, soft part minced
1/4 cup coriander leaves
1. Cook pork and the pork bone in three cups of boiling water, or more, to cover the meat, for two hours. Remove meat and cool it and the soup.
2. Remove fat and meat from both, discard the fat and cut the meat into one-inch pieces. Return to the stock and add eight cups of boiling water, then add the greens, lemon grass and pepper, and simmer for five to ten minutes. Add the coriander and serve with the dipping sauce on the side.

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