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Mock Chicken Rolls

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Mock Chicken Rolls
1 large bean curd sheet cut into eight squares (each about 8 by 8 inches)
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 teaspoon sugar
8 large shiitake mushrooms, soaked until very soft
2 Tablespoons mushroom soy sauce
2 scallions, green part only, cut in half
1/2 teaspoon corn oil
Make a sauce with one tablespoon soy sauce mixed with a teaspoon chili oil and two tablespoons of sesame oil
1. Brush one side of each bean curd sheet with sesame oil, dust with white pepper and sugar and set aside for fifteen minutes.
2. Discard the stems of the mushrooms (or set aside for another use such as in soup), then sliver the mushroom caps and mix them with the mushroom soy sauce.
3. On one bean curd sheet, put an eighth of the mushroom soy mixture and spread this evenly over the surface. Put a scallion on one end and roll this up putting it on a piece of plastic wrap and rolling it up. Repeat until done; then refrigerate them for two hours or overnight.
4. Brush oil on a plate, unwrap the bean curd rolls and put them seam-side down on the oiled plate. Steam for twenty minutes, then remove the plate and allow them to cool.
5. Slice rolls in quarters, on an angle, and serve drizzled with or serve the sauce mixture on the side.

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