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Roasted Fish, Dai Style

Fish and Seafood

Roasted Fish, Dai Style
2 small fish, each about one pound
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
1/2 onion, chopped
1/4 cup fresh coriander, chopped
8 pitted preserved sour olives, chopped
1 small hot pepper, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup fresh green seaweed (or one-quarter cup of hair vegetable soaked for ten minutes, then drained)
2 lotus leaves or six banana leaves, soaked for ten minutes
4 feet of white string, cut in half, then soaked for ten minutes
1 teaspoon corn oil
1. Cut fish in half head to tail, remove scales, and debone it. Then rub it inside and out with the sesame oil and set it aside for fifteen minutes.
2. Cut the seaweed into one-inch pieces and mix well with all the other vegetables.
3. Put half the vegetables on the inside half of one side of one fish. Cover with the other half of the fish. Wrap in a lotus leaf or half of the banana leaves and tie the wrapped fish, but not too tightly. Repeat with the other fish.
4, Roast on an oiled grate three inches above an open fire for seven minutes, then turn and roast another five minutes. Put the fish on a serving platter, and cut away and discard the strings. Then serve.

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