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Lotus Root with Osmanthus

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Lotus Root with Osmanthus
1 cup sticky (sweet or glutinous) rice
2 sections fresh lotus root
1/4 cup homemade osmanthus syrup or purchased cassia jam
1 Tablespoons sugar
dash salt, optional
1. Soak rice in cold water for one hour.
2. Cut off ends of each section of the lotus root exposing the holes. Stuff the rice into the holes gently pushing it in, a chopstick works well, until it is completely stuffed. Do this from either end of each section.
3. Next, peel each section and cut them into quarter-inch slices. Put the slices in a deep plate and steam for one hour.
4. Take a small sauce pan and mix sugar and syrup and the salt, if using it, and one or two tablespoons of water and heat until the sugar is dissolved. Pour this over the lotus root slices and serve.

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