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Steamed Shad I

Fish and Seafood

Steamed Shad I
1 shad, about one pound
3 small pieces cooked ham, about one-inch square by one-eighth-inch thick
3 slices bamboo shoots, about tha same size as the ham
2 black mushrooms, soaked in warm water for twenty minutes
1 scallion, cut into one-inch pieces
1 Tablespoon thin slices of fresh ginger
2 Tablespoons chicken stock
1/2 Tablespoon rice wine
1 Tablespoon coarse salt
1/4 cup sugar
1 piece pork caul fat, optional, but desired
1 Tablespoon ginger, minced very fine
1 Tablespoons rice vinegar
1. Split the shad and gut, do not remove the scales. Then rinse and dry. Drop into boiling water and remove in thrity seconds. Pat dry and put on a platter.
2. Put ham, bamboo shoot pieces, mushrooms, scallion pieces, and ginger slices on the fish.
3. Mix stock, wine, salt, and sugar and pour over the fish, cover with caul fat, and steam over boiling water for fifteen minutes.
4. Mix minced ginger and vinegar and use as dipping sauce for the fish.

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