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Pork with Tea Eggs


Pork with Tea Eggs
2 Tablespoons corn oil
1 pound boneless pork shoulder cut into one inch cubes
12 dry shiitake mushrooms, soaked in warm water for half an hour
1/2 cup sa cha sauce or hoisin sauce mixed with one teaspoon chili sauce
2 Tablespoons rock sugar
12 tea eggs
1. Heat oil in a wok or fry pan and stir-fry the pork for two minutes.
2, Remove stems from the mushrooms and quarter them. Then add them to the pork and stir-fry another minute.
3. Add all the rest of the ingredients and stir-fry for another two minutes. Remove pork, mushrooms, and eggs from the sacha sauce liquid, cut the eggs in halves or quarters, and serve hot or warm.

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