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Sauteed Scallops and Egg Whites I

Fish and Seafood

Sauteed Scallops and Egg Whites I
8 eggs
3 dried scallops, steamed in a one cup bowl for one hour, set the liquid aside and cool and shred them
1 pound baby bok choy, washed then blanched for ten seconds
6 cups cooked rice
4 Tablespoons or two medium shrimp, minced very fine
2 Tablespoons cornstarch mixed with 1 Tablespoon cool water
1 Tablespoon rendered chicken fat
2 Table spoons corn oil
2 cups chicken broth
3/4 teaspoons of salt, set aside as three batches
1 Tablespoon rice wine
1 cup scallop water (if not enough, dilute with cool water)
1 teaspoon oyster sauce
1. Make a small hole in one end of the egg and using a long thin wooden skewer, empty the white into one bowl, then break the yolks, and remove them. Be careful, and when done rinse the empty shell to remove all traces of the yolk.
2. Spread the rice on a pie pan-shaped container and set the empty egg shells on it.
3. Mix the egg whites with half of the shrimp, half of the cornstarch mixture and half of the chicken fat and ne batch of salt and fill the egg shells. Seal them with a small amount of the set aside shrimp paste, and put each one back on the rice, none touching each other, then steam over rapidly boiling water for ten minutes. Remove the eggs and set aside to cool. Use the rice for congee or some other purpose.
4. Heat remaining chicken fat with corn oil and the chicken broth, salt, and rice wine. Add scallop water and the oyster sauce, and quickly stir-fry the baby bok choy, remove and set them in a circle around an eight- to nine-inch platter. Keep the bottom of the bok choy pieces to the outside of the circle.
5. Carefully peel the eggs and put them in the center of these greens.
6. Heat rest of the chicken fat, corn oil, chicken broth, salt, cornstarch mixture, scallop water, and rice wine. Add steamed dry scallop shreds. When it comes to the boil and thickens slightly, pour over the bok choy and eggs, and serve.

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