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Silk Squash, Fried Crullers, and Golden Mushrooms

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Silk Squash, Fried Crullers, and Golden Mushrooms
2 silk squash
2 fried crullers, cut into half-inch cubes
1/2 cup corn oil
2 slices fresh ginger, slivered
1/2 cup golden mushrooms
1 Tablespoon rice wine
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup cold chicken broth
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
1. Cut the silk squash across the narrow way to make four sections. Cut each of these in half the long way and angle cut each strip.
2. Heat oil. Fry cruller cubes until crisp, then remove and drain them. Reserve one tablespoon of the oil.
3. Heat reserved oil and fry the ginger half a minute. Then add the silk squash and one cup of water. Simmer this for five minutes.
4. Add the crullers, mushrooms, rice wine, sesame oil, sugar and salt and simmer another two minutes.
5. Mix chicken broth and cornstarch, bring the silk squash mixture to the boil and add it. Cook until the liquid clears or is totally absorbed, about one minute, then serve.

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