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Soy Sauce Chicken I


Soy Sauce Chicken I
1 slice ginger one-half inch thick, about the size of a quarter
1 or 2 scallions
1 teaspoon Sichuan pepper
1 or one and a half whole star anise
1 and 1/2 cups thin soy sauce
2 cups chicken broth
1/2 cup dry sherry or rice wine
1 Tablespoon sugar
2 to 3 pounds chicken
spray of cilantro, optional
1. Clean chicken and dry it with paper towels.
2. Place ginger, scallions, Sichuan pepper and star anise in a piece of cheese cloth and tie it with a string making it into a pouch.
3. Mix soy sauce, chicken broth, sherry and sugar in a five-quart sauce pan and add the spice pouch. Bring the mixture to a boil, lower heat and simmer for fifteen minutes.
4.Turn the heat to high and add the chicken. When the pot boils, lower the heat, cover the pan tightly, and simmer five minutes per pound of chicken. Turn off the heat and leave ingredients including the chicken in the sauce pan for twenty minutes, do not open the lid during this period.
5. Remove the chicken to a dish and allow it to cool. Then cut it into bite-size pieces. Pour a little sauce over the chicken, add a sprig of cilantro for color., and serve warm or cold.
Note: The remaining sauce may be reused many times.

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