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Ants Climbing Trees I


Ants Climbing Trees I
2 one-ounce packages cellophane noodles
2 Tablespoons corn oil
1 scallion, white part only, sliced thin
1 Tablespoon minced fresh ginger
1/4 pound hand chopped fatty pork
1 Tablespoon chili paste with garlic
1/2 Tablespoon black bean sauce with chili
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
1 chicken bouillon cube mixed with half cup boiling water
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 scallion, green part, sliced thinly and on an angle
1. Soak cellophane noodles in two quarts very warm water for half an hour, then drain.
2. Heat oil and stir-fry scallion and ginger for half minute, then add chopped pork and stir-fry an additional minute.
3. Add chili paste and black bean sauce and when hot, add soy sauce, chicken bouillon and sesame oil and mix well until it boils, then continue mixing and add cellophane noodles.
4. Add scallion greens and stir well, then serve.

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