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Pineapple with Brown Sugar

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Pineapple with Brown Sugar
1 pineapple
1/3 pound crushed dark rock sugar
1/4 pound cane sugar
2 Tablespoons orange flavored liqueur
I teaspoon oil
1. Peel the pineapple and remove any dark parts. Then cut it into eight round slices, each about one-half to one-inch thick.
2. Simmer the rock sugar in a cup of water until it melts, then add the cane sugar and continue cooking until it melts.
3. Add the pineapple and simmer for fifteen minutes. Turn the slices every few minutes and be careful that they do not burn, browning them is fine.
4. Add the liqueur, stir well, and then remove the pineapple. And put it in individual dishes or a platter with a rim.
5. Keep simmering the sugar water until it is browned and thick, then pour it over the pineapple slices and serve.

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