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Deep-fried Sesame Balls

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Deep-fried Sesame Balls
1/2 cup sugar
3 cups glutinous rice powder
1 and 1/2 cups sweetened bean paste
1 cup white sesame seeds
2 cups corn oil
1. Mix sugar with half cup of water, stirring until dissolved.
2. Add rice powder and stir until it makes a smooth paste. Divide this into twenty pieces. And roll each with your fingers, into a ball, then flatten it somewhat.
3. Divide the bean paste into twenty parts and put one part onto the center of a rice piece and close the dough around the bean paste. Repeat until all are made into balls.
4. Put sesame seeds onto a deep saucer, Lightly wet one ball and roll it to cover it with sesame seeds. Lightly roll to assure that the seeds stick. Repeat until all are coated with sesame seeds.
5. Heat oil until medium hot (about 300 degrees F) and fry five balls at a time until they are golden. Remove and drain on paper towels, and do the next batch, continuing until all are fried. Then serve.

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