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Pork Loin with Lycium Berries


Pork Loin with Lycium Berries
2 ounces Lycium chinensis berries (See note below)
12 ounces boneless pork loin, diced into one to one and one-half inch cubes
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
1 egg white
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
6 Tablespoons corn oil
12 cloud ears, cut in half if large
1 cup thinly sliced bamboo shoots
3 scallions, cut into one inch pieces
1 large clove garlic, minced
3 slices fresh ginger, left whole or cut into thin strips
1 Tablespoon rice wine or cooking sherry
1 cup beef broth
2 ounces snow peas
1. Put half of the lycium berries in a small pot with three Tablespoons of water and simmer for ten minutes or until the liquid is brown and slightly reduced. Discard the berries and set the liquid aside.
2. Rinse the other half of the berries and put them into a small bowl with the reserved lycium water, Steam this over boiling water for half an hour, remove from the steamer, and reserve the liquid.
3. Mix pork with the soy sauce, egg white and cornstarch. If need be, add a Tablespoon of water or stock to coat well. Let rest for fifteen minutes.
4. Heat the wok, then heat half of the oil. Add the garlic and when it starts to brown, add the cloud ears, bamboo shoots, scallions, garlic, and ginger and mix well. Then add the sherry and the lycium water and berries and cook for one minute.
5. Heat the remaining oil and saute the pork cubes constantly stirring them until no longer pink outside and in (about five minutes; do not overcook them as they will get tough). Then add the vegetable mixture to the pork and cook it another minute. Serve piping hot.
Note: If these berries, also known as goji berries are unavailable, use dried cranberries.

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