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Chestnuts and Celery Cabbage

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Chestnuts and Celery Cabbage
1/2 pound fresh peeled chestnuts, or boiled and reconstituted dried ones
10 large dried Chinese mushrooms, soaked in two cups warm water, drained and liquid saved, their stems removed
3 Tablespoons corn oil
4 to 6 cups celery cabbage, cut in one-inch wide pieces
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
1 Tablespoon vegetarian oyster sauce
1. Blanch chestnuts in hot water for three minutes, drain, and cut each one in half.
2. Cut mushrooms in quarters. Strain any solids out of the reserved mushroom water.
3. Heat oil, and stir-fry the mushrooms for two minutes, then add half the celery cabbage pieces and stir-fry them for about four or five minutes, each minute or two adding some from the other half of the celery cabbage pieces.
4. Add the mushroom water, sugar, salt, and vegetarian oyster sauce, cover, and simmer for three more minutes, then serve.

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