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Eight Treasure Mixed-grain Rice

Rice, Noodles, and Other Grain Foods

Eight Treasure Mixed-grain Rice
1 cup of five different rice grains, such as short grain, long grain, brown rice, red rice, black rice, etc.
1 teaspoon corn oil
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
10 whole walnuts
2 candied tangerines or apricots
20 to 30 fresh green peas
1. Mix the different rice grains well. Add sugar, oil, and salt and put into a rice cooker. Stir, and cook until done.
2. Grease a deep bowl with the oil and then line the bottom with walnuts, outside part to the outside, tangerine pieces, and the peas. Do so decoratively.
3. Prepare a steamer and have the water boiling by the time the rice cooker turns itself off. Then carefully spoon rice into the bowl on top of the walnuts, tangerines, and peas.
4. Put bowl into the steamer, cover, and steam for ten minutes (if you like very soft rice, leave it in the steamer for fifteen minutes. Take bowl out, and turn the contents over onto a large plate, and serve.

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