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Harmonious Stuffed Mushrooms with Quail Eggs

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Harmonious Stuffed Mushrooms with Quail Eggs
1 pound peeled and deveined shrimp, then minced
1 egg white
1 teaspoon mixture of salt, pepper, and chicken bouillon powder
1 Tablespoons minced fresh coriander
16 large black mushrooms, soaked, their stems removed
2 Tablespooons cornstarch
8 hard-cooked quail eggs, peeled, then each one cut in half the long way
1 cup corn oil
1. Mix shrimp, egg white, seasoning mixture, and the coriander.
2. Squeeze water out of the mushrooms, dust each with a little cornstarch, then dust the flat side of the quail eggs with the cornstarch. Place them flat side down on the shrimp mixture; and gently push each one into that mixture.
3. Heat oil and fry the mushrooms, shrimp side down, until tan, about two to three minutes. Drain and serve.

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