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Steamed Three Egg Custard


Steamed Three Egg Custard
5 raw eggs, beaten with two tablespoons water
1 salted duck egg
1 pidan-type preserved duck egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon corn oil
3 cups chicken stock, brought to the boil
2 scallions, slivered
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
1. Beat raw eggs. Coarsely chop the preserved eggs.
2. Heat oil in a pan, transfer to a casserole that can go into the steamer, and add beaten egg, salt, and stock.
3. Put casserole into a steamer over rapidly boiling water, and cover the steamer, not the casserole, and steam for ten minutes, then turn off the water and let it set for another five minutes, then sprinkle with scallions and soy sauce, and serve.
Note: Some families add the soy sauce with the eggs and not after the steaming.

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