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Pork Sung


Pork Sung
4 pounds lean pork, the loin is a good choice
6 Tablespoons dark soy sauce
2 teaspoons coarse salt
4 Tablespoons crushed Chinese brown or granulated sugar
6 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1. Cut meat into thin strips and put them into a heavy casserole with the soy sauce, salt, and sugar. Allow to marinate for half an hour. Then add three cups of boiling water.
2. Heat oven to 300 degrees F. Put the casserole in the oven for two hours, stirring the contents every twenty minutes.
3. Increase oven temperature to 350 degrees F and continue cooking and stirring for another hour.
4. Heat a wok or pan and add two tablespoons oil. Reduce the heat and stir-fry the pork strips, adding an additional tablespoon every five minutes. Continue to stir and cook the meat until it is thoroughly dried and very crisp. Do not allow it to burn.
5. Using a cleaver, shred the meat as finely as you can. Then, using your fingers, tear the meat apart until it is in very fine shreds. Keep on tearing and shredding until the pieces are very fine and thread-like. Store at a cool temperature, but not in the refrigerator.

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