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Bell Fruit and Jellyfish Salad

Unusual Ingredients

Bell Fruit and Jellyfish Salad
1 whole or 1/2 pound jellyfish, soaked in cold water for one hour
3 bell fruits, cut into strips
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 Tablespoon Chinese black vinegar
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
2 scallions, minced (we slivered ours on an angle)
1. Blanch jellyfish in boiling water for thirty seconds, then immediately put in very cold water, drain and again put into very cold water. Refrigerate covered overnight. Drain the next day, and cut into very thin strips.
2. The next day, mix bell fruit strips with salt, sugar, and the black vinegar and and gently stir in the fruit strips, and the jellyfish strips.
3. Heat the sesame oil, pour over the entire mixture, stir well, and serve.

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