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Long Bean and Pork Wontons

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Long Bean and Pork Wontons
1/4 pound pork, chopped fine
2 long beans (or five string beans), ends removed, slivered, and blanched for one minute
1 Tablespoon Birds’ Custard Powder
1 scallion, slivered on an angle
1 teaspoon rice wine
1 teaspoon sesame oil
20 wonton skins
1. Mix pork, long beans, and Bird’s powder. Then add scallion pieces, rice wine, and sesame oil.
2. Put on wonton skin on a dry board, and put a heaping tablespoon in the center. Wet two edges, and fold the wonton wrapper, also called a skin, your favorite way. We like doing ours as a triangle, then wetting and squeezing the two ends together, and set each one out on a dry platter.
3. Repeat until all are made, then boil them in water until they float to the surface. Remove with a slotted spoon, and set aside, each wonton not touching another.
Note: The wontons can be used in soup, refrigerated over night, then pan fried, or deep fried, as desired.

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