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Duck Congee

Soups and Congees

Duck Congee
1/2 roast duck breast meat
1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 dried scallops, simmer in one cup of water for half an hour
1 cup glutinous rice
1/2 cup long grain rice
1 slice fresh ginger
3 scallions
2 Tablespoons fresh coriander, coarsely chopped
1. Slice duck meat and mix with soy sauce ans sesame oil and set aside for one hour.
2. Tear scallops into shreds and put in a large pot with both rices and the ginger. Add four quarts boiling water, bring to the boil then quickly lower the heat and simmer covered for two hours, stirring once or twice to prevent sticking.
3. Add duck and simmer another half hour, without the cover, and stir this every ten minutes.
4. Add scallions and simmer another three minutes, then put into a heated soup tureen. Sprinkle coriander leaves on top and serve.

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