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Lettuce-wrapped Ovsters

Fish and Seafood

Lettuce-wrapped Ovsters
24 large oysters, shells removed
1/2 teaspoon salt
12 toothpicks
2 Tablespoons honey
1 Tablespoon Chinese rose or rice wine
1 Tablespoon black bean paste with garlic
1 cup corn oil
12 small lettuce leaves
1. Boil water and oysters and salt and blanch the oysters in it for half minute, no longer, then drain well, and skewer two oysters to a toothpick.
2. Mix honey, wine, and black bean paste, and spread this mixture on the oysters.
3. Heat oil, deep fry the oysters in two batches, for only one minute, ten remove and drain and set on serving platter with the lettuce leaves. Repeat with the second batch. Then serve using the lettuce leaves to hold oysters, removing the tooth picks, and thus eating them wrapped in the leaves.

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