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Lingzi and Pork Shank Soup

Soups and Congees

Lingzi and Pork Shank Soup
1/4 small dried lingzi mushroom
1/2 pound shank or pork
10 Chinese brown or black dates
1 piece tangerine peel
1. Soak mushroom for half an hour, remove any stem, and slice.
2. Blanch mushroom slices twice in boiling water for half minute each time.
3. Blanch pork shank, then simmer it with three quarts of water for one hour. Then strain liquid returning it to the pot.
4. Put all ingredients in a pot, add more boiling water so that altogether there are four quarts of liquid. Cover, reduce heat to simmer, and cook for two more hours. Then remove the meat, and discard all visible fat along with any bones. Tear the meat into small pieces, and put it back into the soup liquid. Discard the tangerine peel, reheat, and serve.

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