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Cold Beef with Anise-flavored Aspic


Cold Beef with Anise-flavored Aspic
2 pounds beef shim meat trimmed of all fat, gristle, and other membranes
Several cups of beef stock
8 whole star anise
4 ounces dark soy sauce
2 ounces brown sugar
1 two-inch piece of ginger
1. Tie the meat with butcher's twine to obtain a uniform shape.
2. Place beef in a stew pot and cover the beef with enough stock to that there is two inches of it above the beef, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, partially coer the pan, and simmer for two hours.
3. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer another hour or until the meat is very tender. When done, remove the meat from the cooking liquid and let it cool. Then wrap it in aluminum foil. Place it in the refrigerator, under wights, for five to six hours. (A plate on topo with several cans on it works very well.
4. Reduce the stock to eight ounces then strain the liquid into a shalow tray. When cool, place it in the refrigerator to gel.
5. When serving, use the gelled aspic cut into small cubes as a garnish for the cold beef.
Note: This recipe yields ten to twelve servings, and it can be doubled.

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