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Baked Meatball and Cabbage


Baked Meatball and Cabbage
2/3 pound ground pork
1 scallion, crushed or minced fine
3 slices fresh ginger, minced fine
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon Chinese rice wine
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
1 egg
3 Tablespoons corn oil
2 scallions, cut into one to two-inch pieces
1/2 cup bamboo mushrooms, soaked for five minutes, hard ends removed
4 cups chicken stock or broth
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce mixed with one tablespoon cornstarch
dash of ground white pepper
1. Chop the pork before using to be sure the pieces separate easily.
2. Mix crushed/minced scallion and ginger with half cup warm water, and let stand for five minutes. Then drain and discard the solids.
3.Mix reserved liquid with the pork, salt, rice wine, soy sauce, and egg, and stir in one direction for about a minute. Then wet your hands and shape into five meatballs.
4. Heat pan or wok, add the oil and fry the meatballs one at a time until they are lightly browned. Remove them when done to a stove-top casserole already lined with sliced scallions (they can be fried for a minute first, if desired).
5. Add chicken stock, and cabbage leaves, and bring to the boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for three hours. Then add additional soy sauce, more salt , if needed, and the pepper.
Note: This recipe can be made an hour before planning to eat it; just reheat until the meatballs are very hot.

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