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Fried Egg with Shrimp and Thousand-year EggEggs
Fried Egg with Shrimp and Thousand-year Egg |
5 fresh whole eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
dash of ground white pepper
1 scallion, minced
1 Tablespoon corn or another vegetable oil
1/4 pound shrimp, shelled, intestine removed
1 preserved thousand year egg, peeled, rinsed, and coarsely diced
1. Beat eggs, add salt and pepper, and beat again until their color lightens, then mix in scallion pieces.
2. Heat oil, add shrimp and fry for one minute, remove and drain them on paper towels.
3. Reheat wok, add beaten egg mixture and the preserved eggs and stir-fry just until the fresh eggs begin to set. Remove them to a preheated plate, and serve.