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Jellyfish and Roast Duck

Unusual Ingredients

Jellyfish and Roast Duck
1 dried jellyfish, rinsed three times, then blanched in almost boiling water for fifteen seconds and removed and immediately put into cold or ice water
4 Tablespoons white Chinese rice vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon powdered chicken bouillon
1 Tablespoon thin soy sauce
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
1/2 pound roast duck breast, skin removed, and hand shredded
1 small piece red pepper, shredded
1 Tablespoon sesame seeds
1 sprig Chinese parsley, torn into its leafy segments
1. Cut jellyfish in half, and roll each piece tightly. Using sharp knife, cut each half into the thinnest strips possible.
2. Mix jellyfish with rice vinegar, and allow to marinate for half hour, then drain.
3. Mix sugar, chicken bouillon, and soy sauce and toss with the jellyfish. Let rest fifteen minutes, then drain, and pile jellyfish high on a small platter. Top this with the shredded duck and then the red pepper shreds.
4. Sprinkle sesame seeds over it all and place Chinese parsley pieces around the outside of the platter. Toss before serving.

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