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Fried Fruit Pies

Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods

Fried Fruit Pies
1/2 cup pitted Chinese brown dates, minced
1/2 cup white raisons, each one cut in half
1/2 cup dried lei plums or apricots, minced
1/4 cup sesame seed paste or creamy peanut butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 Tablespoon sesame seeds
1 cup cornstarch, divided in half
3 egg whites, lightly beaten
3 Tablespoons white sesame seeds
2 cups vegetable oil
1. Mix the three fruits, then add sesame seed paste, salt, sugar, sesame seeds, and half the cornstarch. Divide the mixture in ten pieces. Roll each part and flatten it somewhat.
2. Mix egg whites with the remaining cornstarch.
3. Heat oil in a wok or pan then dip one flattened pie-shaped item in the batter and deep fry until golden. Drain on paper towel. Repeat until all are fried and drained. Serve warm.

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