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Deep-fried Bonelss Rice-stuffed Chicken Wings

Dim Sum and Other Snack Foods

Deep-fried Bonelss Rice-stuffed Chicken Wings
10 large chicken wings
1/2 cup glutinous rice
4 teaspoons vegetable oil
5 Tablespoons minced ginger
4 large black mushrooms, soaked for twenty minutes, stems removed, then mince them
4 shallots, peeled and minced
4 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
3 Tablespoons shrimp, peeled and minced
5 Tablespoons Jinhua ham, minced
1 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons oyster sauce
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/2 cup maltose
1/2 cup Chinese red vinegar
2 cups vegetable oil
1. Separate one bone and two bone wing sections and remove all their bones.
2. Steam rice for half an hour, then rinse once and allow to cool.
3. Heat the vegetable oil and stir-fry the ginger, mushrooms, shallots, garlic, shrimp, and ham for two minutes.
4. Mix chicken bouillon powder, salt, sugar, oyster sauce, and soy sauce and add to the above mixture. Stir well, then add the steamed rice and mix this very. Then allow to cool.
5. Heat maltose and vinegar until the mixture thins and mixes well, then allow it to cool before stuffing the wings with the rice mixture. Brush them with the cooled maltose solution and put them on a plate allowing them to air dry for one hour.
6. Heat the two cups of oil and fry the wings until brown and crispy, then drain and serve plain or with any dipping sauce.

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