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Jai--Buddha's Delight III

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Jai--Buddha's Delight III
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced then slivered
4 to 6 slices ginger root, slivered
8 Chinese black mushrooms, soaked, stems removed, left whole or cut in quarters, the mushroom water reserved
3 tablespoons cloud ear fungus, soaked in warm water for twenty minutes, then cut into half-inch pieces
1 white fungus, soaked for twenty minutes in warm water, and cut into half-inch pieces
1/4 to 1/2 cup each of fifteen other vegetables such as sliced bamboo shoots, carrot cubes, firm bean curd cubes, one-inch pieces of snow or melting mouth peas, soy sprouts their very thin tails removed, three or four scallions cut into one-inch pieces, napa cabbage and/or lettuce cut into one-inch pieces, sliced water chestnuts, half-inch pieces of canned baby corn, hair vegetable, soaked and simmered or canned ginkgo nuts, almonds or cashews, etc.
2 ounces bean thread noodles, soaked in warm water for ten minutes then cut into four-inch lengths
1. Heat wok or large pan, add oil, and stir-fry garlic and ginger root for half minute.
2. Add mushrooms and then both of the pre-cut pieces of fungus and stir-fry for two minutes.
3. Then, add vegetables one by one, the firmest to the softest, stirring each for half minute before adding the next one. Be sure to add the nuts last. 4. Add mushroom water and the bean thread noodles, cover, and simmer for three to five minutes, then serve.
Note: This dish can be served plain or with one or more seasonings items such as soy sauce, sesame oil, and ground white pepper mixed in or served on the side.

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