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Brussel Sprouts Stuffed with Shrimp Paste

Vegetables, also Vegetarian Foods

Brussel Sprouts Stuffed with Shrimp Paste
6 large Brussel sprouts
3 Tablespoons crab eggs (roe)
1/3 pound shrimp, shells and veins removed, and chopped into a paste
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
4 individual teaspoons cornstarch
dash ground white pepper
1. Slit cross in the sprouts and steam them for five to eight minutes. Remove them, remove the center part of each and use for another purpose; then let them cool. Spread a few leaves out to make the sprout look like a flower, and put one teaspoon of the cornstarch into the center of each one.
2. Scald the crab roe in very fine strainer for half minute, at most (we left this raw, but did bring it to room temperature).
3. Mix shrimp paste with salt, sugar, one teaspoon of the cornstarch and the ground white pepper, then stuff this into the hollowed out cornstarch dusted Brussel sprouts.
4. Put crab roe on top, and steam for eight minutes.
5. Pull a very few leaves out and put the sprouts on individual plates (see illustration). Mix remaining two teaspoons of cornstarch with half cup of water, bring to the boil, and pour over the filled sprouts, then serve.

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