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TEN YEAR INDEX 1994 - 2003

RECIPES by food category,


2nd Plenary Conference (Toronto) Report 2(4): 13
Abalone 9(3): 5, 24
Above Earth is Heaven, Below is Su Hong 6(2): 7-8
Achieving Balance: Tonic Soups 6(3): 9-10, 26, 28
Amaranth, Brassica and Full Ho 5(2): 15, 16
An Ancient Medicinal: Cordyceps Sinensis 8(3): 11, 23
Ancient China, Young Tasters 9(1): 25-26
Are Chinese Restaurant Foods Healthy? 3(1): 6, 20
Asian Chefs Competition 6(2): 9-10
Asian Conference Report 6(3): 29-30
Asian Food Information: Print Sources 7(2): 11, 30
Asian Food on the Web 7(1): 17-18
August Moon Festival 2(3): 5-7
Autumn Olives 4(4): 5-6
Bamboo Mushrooms 6(4): 25, 30
Bamboo Shoots 10(4): 9-10, 12
Banana 8(1): 19-20
Banquet of Banquets, with Bird's Nest 4(1): 7, 22
Banquets: Feasts for Every Occasion 7(4): 5, 20, 29
Beancurd: History of an Ancient Protein Source 2(2): 7, 11, 13
Beef: The New Favorite 2(2): 17-18
Beloved Bean Milk 3(2): 17, 18
Birds of a Feather, In a Wok Together 6(3): 11
Bitter Melon 10(3): 25-26
Blue Crabs of Chesapeake Bay 5(3): 9-10
Bok Choy is Bai Cai: Part of a Big Family 7(3): 17-18
Bubble Tea 6(4): 5-6
Buddha's Delight 1(1): 22-24
Buddha's Hand Citron 5(4): 5-6
Buffalonian’s Journey to Jewish Shanghai, A 10(2): 33-34
Butter and Beauty in Tibet 9(1): 7, 29
Celebrating Baby Beginnings 8(1): 13-14
Changes in Chinese Restaurant Foods 4(3): 9, 22
Changing Images of Chinese Food: The Symposium Report 4(1): 21
Chef Creativity: Michael Kang 6(4): 17, 30
Chinatown USA 7(3): 13-14
Chinese and Other Asian Pickles 10(3): 19-20, 37-38
Chinese Food and the Canadian Experience 5(2): 11-12, 16
Chinese Food and the Net 3(4): 17
Chinese Banquets 3(3): 9, 10
Chinese Banquets, A Pair of 7(3): 23, 28
Chinese Black Mushrooms, The 7(4): 21-22, 28
Chinese Buffets, A Trend Worth Exploring 6(4): 27-28
Chinese Calligraphy: the Art of Written Language 9(2): 7, 33
Chinese Community Cookbooks 6(2): 11-12, 25-26
Chinese Cookbook Collection, A 5(4): 11, 21
Chinese Cookbooks at the New York Public Library 3(3): 15, 16
Chinese Cooking Techniques 6(3): 25, 27
Chinese Cuisine and the American Palate 2(1): 12
Chinese Diets Can Follow Banting and Atkins 10(3): 21-22, 35
Chinese English-Language Cookbooks: 100 Years of Content and Context 6(1): 21, 28
Chinese Food Court Debut 9(3): 25-26
Chinese Food Enthusiast in Small-Town USA 5(1): 11, 22
Chinese Food: Hot, Spicy and Mexican 4(3): 7-8
Chinese Food on the Internet, Revisited 10(4): 17-18
Chinese Food Symbolism: Fruits 3(1): 16
Chinese Food Symbolism: Meat 3(2): 13-14
Chinese Food Symbolism: More About Vegetables 3(4): 11, 20
Chinese Food Symbolism: Vegetables 3(3): 19
Chinese Food, What is Real? 2(3): 17, 21
Chinese Flavors of Peru 9(2): 15-16
Chinese Functional Food 8(4): 9
Chinese Herbal Cookbook 8(4): 8
Chinese Herbs and Nutritional Food 6(4): 11
Chinese Mushrooms: Tree Oysters 8(1): 15-16
Chinese New Year 2(4): 5-6, 11
Chinese New Year Food Symbols 9(4): 17
Chinese Pickles are Lightly Fermented Foods 8(4): 21-22, 27
Chinese Restaurants as Cultural Lessons 4(2): 13, 22
Chinese Restaurants Abroad 3(4): 13, 23
Chinese Pastries: Taiwanese Style 3(3): 11, 18
Chinese Palate and its Pleasures 3(2): 11-2, 15
Chinese Salads 4(3): 11-12, 22
Chinese Spice Cupboard: Cinnamon 10(2): 9-10, 38
Chinese Vinegar 7(3): 5, 22, 24
Chinese Way of Cooking Healthy Contest 2(1): 24
Chinese Wines 7(4): 9-10
Chinese Zodiac 2(4): 16-17, 21
Ching Ming and a Walk in the Mountains 10(2): 8, 18
Chopstick Helpers 2(1): 11
Chopsticks On the Grapevine 3(1): 10
Chopsticks and Woks 10(2): 11-12, 14
Chow Mein Sandwiches 6(2): 5
Chrysanthemum Fire Pot 3(1): 18, 21
Cilantro 3(4): 19
Cloves: An Early Chinese Spice 10(4): 13-14
Cold Food and Ice in the Chinese Culinary 9(1): 12, 18
Conference and Banquet Report 7(1): 25
Congee, Asia’s Bowl Full of Comfort 9(1): 5, 8, 27
Crack Seed: Hawaiian Contribution to American Cuisine 2(2): 5, 16, 18
Crossing El Bosque: Chinese Food in Venezuela 10(3): 5, 7, 33-35
Cuba: Chinese Food and a Festival 9(1): 13-14, 16-17, 20
Cuisine of Northern China, The 5(3): 7-8
Culinary Promise Fulfilled in the Promised Land 3(4): 7-8
Cultural Food Symbolism, Meat 3(2): 13, 14
Dai People 9(3): 16, 30
Diet of Worms...and Other Critters, A 7(3): 9-10
Dim Sum: Appetizers of your Heart's Desire 3(3): 21
Dining, Drinking, Dancing at the Lion’s Den 9(3): 11-12, 27-29
Dollars for Dumplings 9(4): 7-8
Dou Miao 8(2): 5, 8
Dragon Boat Festival 8(3): 5, 8
Dry Ingredient Know How 6(4): 15-16
Duck-boys, Duck-eggs, and Egg Chemists 9(1): 9-10
Dumplingus Extremus 10(3): 23-24
Early Chinese Food History 3(4): 21, 23
Easy Cooking the Chinese Way 8(2): 9
Eel Use: Ancient and Modern 9(4): 5, 30-31
Eels of China, The 3(1): 5, 19
Everyday Chinese 8(4): 8-9
Fantastic Chinese Food Festival Tour, A 7(2): 28
Fire Dragon, Langsat, and Other Toronto Delights 6(3): 7-8, 12
Five Sauce Comparison 5(1): 16, 18
Five Spice Magic 3(3): 5, 6
Five Star Restaurants: Singapore, Tokyo, & Peru 9(2): 5, 8, 29-30
Five Tastes--Many Impacts 5(1): 15
Food and Medicine: Two is One in Chinese Culture 5(2): 5-6, 18
Food in China: Five Years After Tiananmen 1(1): 4-8
Foods as Herbs 5(2): 13-14
Foods for the New Year–Recipe Requests 5(4): 8, 20
Foodways of Northern China 5(2): 9
From Cathay to Canada: Chinese Cuisine in Transition 4(3): 13, 20
From Cooking to Cookbook 4(1): 13-14, 20, 22
Fruit in Chinese Cooking 5(4): 7, 18
Fruits as Food and Medicine: Part One 7(2): 19-20
Fruits as Food and Medicine: Part Two 7(3): 15-16
Fujian: The Province and Its Foods 6(2): 13, 20, 22, 28
Fun Si of Dragon Mouth 5(1): 13, 23
Fuyu: China’s Fermented Bean Cheese 9(2): 9-10
Gems by Mary Li Sia 10(4): 11-12
General Tso-The Mystery Man 3(4): 5-6
Ginger 2(4): 12-13
Ginger Revisted–by Request 6(1): 7-8, 24
Ginkgo Nuts 3(1): 8
Grace Chu: An Editor’s Tribute 6(3): 5
Green Tea: Health Perspectives 9(2): 19, 23
Hakka: Southern China’s Guest People 10(4): 5, 26, 34
Hangzhou-A Culinary Memoir 3(1): 11, 13, 21
Heart Strengthens Heart--Stomach Strengthens Stomach 4(1): 11
Herbs as Food: Hawthorn 9(4): 10, 24, 29
Herbs as Food: Lily Bulbs 9(3): 10, 32-33
Hmong, The 9(2): 21, 32-33
Hoisin Sauce 1(1): 16-17
Hong Kong Revisited 9(1): 21-22, 30
Hong Kong Since the Changeover, concluded 9(2): 17 
Hot Pot Cookery 7(4): 11-12
Hot Pot Cookery: How To With Recipes 8(1): 11-12
How to Order from the Menu Intelligently 1(1): 19-21
Hunan Cuisine 10(1): 30-32
Imperial Banquets & Emperor Meals in Qing China 7(2): 13-14, 24
Israel’s Chinese Wall 8(1): 9-10, 12, 30
Jade Chopsticks Awards 4(2): 14
Kazak Food Culture 9(4): 15-16, 29
Kiwi: aka The Chinese Gooseberry 7(4): 7-8
Know your Fortune Cookie: New Faces of an Old Friend 4(1): 17
Kyrgyz Food Culture 10(3): 13-14, 18
Lizards and Liquor 7(2): 7
Lotus: A Plant with Many Purposes 8(4): 11-12, 31
Love and Respect for a Pro 2(3): 15-16, 18
Luck of the Golden Dragon 7(2): 15
Lychees and Their Kin 4(1): 5-6, 22
Mango Slurp Fests 10(2): 19
Mangoes: Peaches of the Tropics 8(4): 25-26
Martin’s Dinner: Homage to a Genius 8(2): 17-18
Martin Yan’s Asian Favorites 8(4): 9
Mongolian Culture and Cuisine in Transition 8(3): 12-14, 16
Mongolian Foods and Beverages 7(1): 7-8
Mongolians and Their Cuisine 7(1): 9-10, 24
More about Bird’s Nest and Snake 7(1): 13-14
Meat Substitutes 1(1): 17-19
Menus for an Indivisible World 4(4): 9, 12
More Than Just Food 3(2): 5
More on Chinese Regional Cooking 2(1): 15-16
More About Unusual Meats 3(2): 19, 23
More About Chinese Symbols: Cultural Fives 4(4): 11, 14
MSG and Chinese Restaurants 5(4): 9
Naxi, Descendants of the Dongba Culture 10(1): 15-16
Newman’s News and Notes are listed under:
    Topics in Letters and News and Notes
New Jersey Asian Pears: Crunchy, Juicy, and Sweet 5(1): 5-6; 18
Noodles: A Street and Home Food 6(4): 13-14, 29
On and Off One or More Menus
    Alaska and the Canadian Yukon: 10(4):
    Amaranth, Brassica and Full Ho 5(2): 15-16
    Around the Country 7(4): 23-25
    Australia 4(2): 5, 20
    Brooklyn 9(3): 7
    California 10(4): 22, 38
    Chicago, Washington D.C., and Singapore 9(4): 19-20
    Chinese Food with Fancy Prices 8(1): 27-28
    Dining in Vancouver 4(2): 9, 20
    East Buffet 8(2): 15-16
    Eating Out in Amsterdam 5(4): 19
    Egypt 7(2): 23-24
    Flushing NY, a Boston Suburb, & Cancun Mexico 9(2): 24-26
    Fujian Restaurants 6(2): 23-24, 28
    Hong Kong and Guangzhou Specialities 3(2): 7-8, 22
    In Costa Rica 7(1): 15-16
    In Israel 4(1): 8; 4(1): 16
    In Mexico 4(1): 8
    In Japan 3(4): 9-10
    Manhattan’s 66 10(3): 15-17
    Minneapolis/St. Paul 8(4): 19-20
    Nassau, the Bahamas 10(3): 17, 36
    New York City Sampler 3(3): 7-8
    New York 10(2): 13, 31
    North Carolina 6(2): 27
    On Menu--On Menus 4(1): 7, 10
    Peru 9(3): 17-18
    Salt Lake City 5(4): 12, 19
    San Francisco 5(2): 17, 18
    San Francisco Dots My Heart 4(1): 15, 19
    Shanghai 10(1): 19
    Sicily 8(3): 15-16
    Taiwanese Specialities 2(4): 10-11
    Vermont 9(1): 15, 29
One Food, Five Flavors continued 10(2): 36
One Food, Five Flavors 10(1): 18
Oriental is Passè 9(4): 26
Oriental Markets 2(1): 22
Origins of Chinese Pasta, The 7(2): 5, 20
Origins of Sushi and Kimchi 10(1): 29, 35
Osmanthus 9(4): 7
Ostrich: A New Chinese Restaurant Food 6(2): 21
Oyster Sauces: Content and Comparison 5(3): 11-12, 21
Paddy, Golden Needle, Pom Pom and the Mushroom of Immortality 8(2): 19-22, 30
Pair of Chinese Banquets, A 7(3): 23, 28
Paradox of Plenty in China and Hong Kong 5(1): 9
Patrons and Restaurant Rights 3(4): 14
Peach: A Most Classical Fruit 7(1): 5, 26
Peking-style Is Northern Cuisine 9(1): 19-20
Persimmons 9(3): 8, 31
Pomegranate 6(4): 23-24, 30
Portrait of an Artist: Wonona Wong Chang 10(1): 17, 35
Prolific and Terrific Authors:
    Fu, Pei Mei 9(4): 9
    Hom, Ken. 9(3): 9, 19
    Hsiung, Deh-Ta 9(1): 11
    Yan, Martin 9(2): 13, 30
Pu-er: Yunnan’s Winning Tea 10(1): 23-24
Pure Vegetarian, A 4(3): 5-6, 22
Quince 6(3): 13-14
Recipe Requests--Wraps and Rolls 5(1): 7-8
Recipes Can Meet Dietary Needs 2(1): 19, 21; 2(2): 21; 2(3): 9, 22; 2(4): 7, 17; 3(1): 9; 3(2): 21; 3(3): 13; 3(4): 18
Recipes Then and Now 4(4): 7
Resources for Children and Adults 8(4): 13-14
Restaurant Reviews: A Quartet of Tastes 7(3): 29-30
Restauranteur Bruce Ho, Part One 9(4): 11-12, 27
Restauranteur Bruce Ho, Part Two 10(1): 25-28
Rice: A Most Important Grain 6(3): 15-18, 26
Rice Wine 2(2): 8, 14
Rijsttafel and Other Indonesian Cookery 4(2): 11-12, 18
Roast Pork 2(3): 8
Salads that Accentuate 1(1): 12-13
Salt: An Ancient Chinese Commodity 10(1): 33-34
Sand Pot Cookery 7(3): 7-8
Savoring Diversity on the Silk Road. 10(2): 5, 24-26, 32
Sea Vegetables: An Immortality Elixir 8(3): 9-10, 30
Seattle’s International District: Then & Now 8(4): 23-24
Sesame Oil 2(1): 6
Shad Festivals in Lehigh Valley, PA 10(1): 8-9
Shanghai 10(1): 5, 10, 14, 36-38
Shanghai Cuisine 6(3): 19-20, 28
Shanghai Cuisine, Revisited 8(4): 5, 7, 22
Sichuan’s Many Flavors 10(4): 7-9, 19
Sichuan or Szechuan: A Pair of Restaurant Reviews 5(1): 14
Silk Squash 10(2): 20, 35
Singaporeans and Their Food 8(2): 11-14
Sino-Indonesian Cooking 4(2): 15, 19, 21
Snack on the History of Chinese Snacks 10(3): 29-31
Snake as Food and Medicine 7(2): 12, 29
Snakes and Spice and Bird’s Nest are Nice 6(4): 9-10
Snow Frog: Trailing This Rare Delicacy 7(3): 11-12
Souper Soup 7(2): 9-10
Soup of Rejuvenation and Long Life 5(3): 5, 23
Soy Milk in Many Forms 9(2): 11-12, 35
Soy Sauce 2(2): 22
Soy Sauce: a Factory Visit and Tasting 10(2): 15-17
Soy Sauce: China’s Liquid Spice 7(2): 21-22
Soy Sauce Favorites: A Tasting 8(1): 29
Star Anise: A Dominant Spice 10(3): 9-10
Suey Jow and How! A Dumpling Eating Contest 10(4): 15-16
Sugar: Ancient Culinary and Medical Commodity 10(4): 23-24, 34
Suzhou Sweets 4(3): 15
Super Science: MSG and Chinese Restaurant Syndrome 1(1): 10-12
Sweet Like Honey 3(2): 9
Sweet Potatoes, Yam, and the Yam Bean 8(3): 17-20
Symposium Dinner 3(4): 15
Taste of China's Sauces 4(2): 7-8, 18; 4(3): 17, 20; 4(4): 15, 20, 21
Tasting Taiwan 9(3): 13-15, 19
Tea Test 4(4): 10, 12, 21
Tea: The Quintessential Chinese Beverage 2(4): 9, 22, 23
Tea-leaf recipes 6(1): 25 
Tea: Tracing Travels and Tastes 6(1) 5-6, 22, 31
Three Cultures, One Restaurant 7(2): 8, 27
Three Mexican Puzzles: Are Chinese Immigrants the Answer 5(1): 19
Tibet and Tibetan Foods 6(4): 7-8, 12, 16
Tibet: Crossroads of Cookery and Culture 8(4): 15-18
Tibetan Foods and Beverages 6(3): 21
Toronto’s Chinatowns 6(3): 7
Tree Seeds 7(4): 13-14
Tricks in a Chinese-Japanese Cookbook 10(4): 25, 33
Tripe: A Capital Food 10(1): 11-13
Try a Papaya 7(2): 17-18, 28
Two on the Menu: Two Ways by Two Friends 5(3): 15, 21
Two Hundred Dollar Take-out Menu: A View of Chinese History 8(1): 5-7, 24, 26
Two Vancouver Chinese Restaurants 7(2): 25
Unusual Ingredients 2(3): 11-13
Vegetable Choices and Concepts 5(1): 17-18
Vegetables as Food and Medicine, Part One 7(4): 15-16
Vegetables as Food and Medicine, Part Two 8(1): 17-18
Vegetables: The Chinese Passion 2(1): 13-14
Vegetarian Practices in China 2(1): 7
Venezuela’s Sabor y Suerte in Chinese Food 7(4):
Vinegar: A Basic Taste 8(3): 21-22
What is Not Chinese Food 5(3): 13-14
What is Real Chinese Food 2(3): 17, 21
Where and How of Vegetable Protein in Chinese Cooking 2(1): 8-10
Winter Solstice Festival 7(1): 11-12
Wintermelon 2(2): 12, 19
Woks and Whys 2(4): 19, 21
Wontons and Wonton Foods, Inc. 10(3): 11-12, 32
Yi People and Their Food 10(2): 29-31
Yunnan Cuisine 10(2): 27-28, 37


Allen, Gary 7(1): 17-18; 7(2): 11, 30; 10(4): 17-18
Ang, Cathy 6(3): 21; 7(1): 7-8
Ball, Carole 6(2): 27
Asanovic, Susan 1(1): 22-24; 2(1): 12; 2(3): 9; 15-16, 18; 2(4) 7, 17; 19, 21; 3(1): 17; 3(3): 17; 4(1): 12, 18;
    4(2): 10; 4(3): 21; 5(4): 13
Braverman, Susan 2(1): 19; 2(2): 21; 2(3): 9; 2(4)7; 3(1): 9; 3(2): 21; 3(3): 13; 3(4): 18
Brown, Laura 8(3): 17
Chang, Angela 2(1): 13-14; 2(2): 17-18
Chang, Irving Beilin 1(1): 17-19; 2(2) 7; 8-10; 12-13; 2(3): 8; 2(4): 16-17, 21; 3(1): 5, 19; 3(2): 9; 3(3): 9-10;
    3(4): 5; 4(1): 11; 4(2): 5, 19, 23; 4(3): 11-12, 22; 5(1): 17-18; 5(2): 9-10; 5(4): 7, 18; 6(2): 7-8; 6(4): 11;
    8(2): 9; 9(1): 9-10; 9(2): 9-10; 9(4) 7-8; 10(3): 9-10; 10(4): 9-10, 12
Chang, Wonona Wong 1(1): 12-13; 2(1): 15-16; 2(2): 8, 14; 2(3): 5-7; 2(4): 5-6, 11; 14, 18; 3(1): 18, 21; 3(2): 17-
    18; 3(3): 21-22; 3(4): 5-6; 15; 4(1): 7, 22; 4(2): 5, 19, 23; 4(3): 5-6, 22; 5(1): 13, 23; 5(2): 5, 23; 10(3): 25-26
Chen, Helen 3(1): 11, 13, 21; 7(2): 7
Chou, Lillian 10(2): 8, 18; 10(3): 11-12, 32; 10(3): 19-20, 37-38
Comstock, Karen 9(2): 7, 33
Cramer, Marc 8(3): 12-14, 16; 8(4): 15-18
Davis, Netta 4(3): 9, 22
Diamond, Jamie 7(4): 7-8
Dubrava, Christina M. 7(3): 17-18
du Midi, Len 4(2): 11-12, 18; 5(4): 19
Duncan, Dorothy 5(2): 11-12, 16
Epstein, Susan 8(2): 11-14
Fong, Stella 7(3): 5, 22, 24; 8(1): 13-14
Fung, Yee-Chak (Daniel) 5(1): 11, 22
Goldberg, Betty Schultz 4(1): 13-14, 20, 22
Goldberg, Ivan K. 1(1): 10-12
Goldberg, Robert 3(4): 13, 23; 4(1): 21
Goldberg, Sharon 1(1): 16; 2(1): 6; 2(2): 22
Greenberg, Patricia 7(2): 21-22
Greig, Stephanie 4(4): 17-18
Gulden, Georgia S. 5(1): 9
Hom, Ken 1(1): 4-8
Huang, Yaowen 3(1): 6-7, 20
Jacob, Dianne 10(1): 19; 10(2): 19
Jenner, Donald 10(3): 21-22, 35
Karp, David 4(1): 5-6, 22; 5(1): 5-6, 18; 5(4): 5-6
Kong, YC. 5(2): 5-6, 18
Koveos, Eva 2(4): 12-13; 3(1): 8; 3(3): 5-6; 3(4): 19; 4(2): 7-8, 18; 4(3): 17, 20; 4(4): 15; 5(1): 15
Kutscher, Austin H. 2(1): 17; 18; 2(2): 6, 11
Kwok, DWY. 3(2): 11-12, 15
Lamdani, Dalia 8(1): 9-10, 12, 30
Lauden, Rachel 2(2): 5, 16, 18; 5(1): 19; 7(2): 5, 20
Lee, Joanne 1(1): 19-21; 2(3): 17, 21
Leff, Jim 5(3): 21-22
Leung, Martha 6(3): 11; 6(4): 9-10; 7(2): 9-10; 25; 7(3): 9-10; 8(2): 5, 8(3): 5, 8
Lim, Imogene: 4(2): 9, 20; 13, 22; 6(2): 5; 6(3): 9-10; 6(4): 22; 9(1): 6
Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei 5(3): 13-14
Long, Janet 4(3): 7-8
Marr, Margaret Lau-Kee 7(1): 11-12
Martuscelli-Rodriguez, Laura 8(1): 19-20
Moriarity, Erin 9(4): 17
Munoz-Hamill, Elana 9(2): 19, 23
Newman, Marion Waak 4(4): 5-6
Newman, Jacqueline M. 1(1): 19-21; 2(1): 11; 2(2): 7, 11, 13; 2(3): 11-13; 20; 2(4): 9, 22-23; 3(1): 16; 3(2): 13-14,
    19, 23; 3(3): 11, 18; 19; 3(4): 11, 20; 14; 17; 21,23; 4(1): 15, 19; 42): 16; 4(3): 14; 4(4): 7; 11, 14; 13, 16, 17;
    5(1): 14; 16, 18; 5(2): 13-14; 17-18; 5(3): 11-12, 21; 15, 21; 16-20; 5(4): 14-16; 6(1): 5-6, 22, 31; 7-8, 24; 21, 25,
    28; 6(2): 11-12, 25-26; 13, 20, 22, 28; 21; 23-24, 28; 6(3): 7-8, 12; 13-14; 15-18, 26; 19-20, 28; 25, 27; 6(4): 5, 26;
    7-8, 12, 16; 13-14, 29; 15-16; 17, 30; 23-24, 30; 25, 30; 27-28; 7(1): 5, 26; 9-10, 24; 3-14; 15-16; 23; 25, 30; 7(2):
    12, 29; 19-20; 23, 30; 26-27; 28; 7(3): 7-8; 11-12; 15-16; 25-16; 27-18; 29-30; 7(4): 5, 20, 29; 29, 31; 9-10, 14; 11-
    12; 13-14; 15-16; 21-22; 23-25; 8(1): 11-12; 15-16; 17-18; 21-24; 25; 27-28; 29; 8(2): 15-16; 19-22, 30; 23-26; 27;
    8(3): 9-10, 30; 11, 23; 15-16; 17-20; 21-22; 24-28; 29; 5, 7, 22; 8(4): 5, 7, 22; 11-12; 13-14; 19-20; 21-22, 27; 9(1):
    11; 12, 18; 15, 29; 25-26; 27-28, 35; 9(2): 5, 8, 29-30; 11-12, 35; 13, 30; 21, 32; 24-26; 9(3): 5, 24; 8, 31; 31; 9, 19;
    10, 32; 13-15, 19; 16, 20; 17-18; 9(4): 15-16, 21; 18, 27; 19-20; 26; 10(1): 11-13; 15-16; 17, 35; 18; 23-24; 29, 35;
    30-32; 33-34; 10(2): 5, 24-26, 32; 9-10, 38; 11-12, 14; 13, 31; 15-17; 20, 31; 27-28, 37; 29-31; 36; 10(3): 17, 36; 29-
    31; 5, 26, 34; 7-8, 19; 10(4): 13-14; 20-21, 32; 22, 38; 23-24, 34; 25, 33
Pond, Gardner 7(3): 23, 28
Powers, Jo Marie 3(3): 17-18; 4(1): 18, 20; 4(3): 13, 20; 5(2): 19-20
Racier, Alan 10(1): 17, 35
Ramachandran, Ammini 9(1): 5, 8, 27
Rice, Lucky 9(1): 23
Rich, Helen 7(2): 8, 27; 7(3): 13-14
Ross, Judy 2(4): 14; 3(1): 10; 3(2): 16; 3(4): 7-8; 4(1): 17
Ryley, Alison:3(3): 15-16
Salazar, Jorge 9(2): 15-16
Sia, Calvin C. J. 10(4): 11-12
Simrany, Joe 4(4) : 10, 12, 21
Sing, Joe 2(1): 22; 5(4): 9
Spiller, Harley 2(4): 10-11; 3(2): 5; 7-8, 22; 3(3): 7-8; 3(4): 9-10, 20; 4(1): 7, 10; 4(2): 5, 20; 4(4): 9, 12; 5(2): 15-16;
    7(2): 15; 7(4): 17-18; 8(1): 5-7, 24, 26; 8(2): 17-18; 8(4): 23-24; 9(1): 13-14, 16-17, 20; 21-22, 30; 9(2) 11-12, 35; 17;
    9(3) 11-12, 27-29; 9(4): 11-12, 27; 10(1): 5, 10, 14, 36-38; 25, 28; 10(2) 33-34; 10(3): 5, 7, 33, 35; 15-17; 23-24;
    10(4): 15-16
Stern, Kara 8(4): 25-26
Stewart, Dana 9(3): 7
Tang, Charles 2(1): 17; 18; 2(2): 6, 11; 3(4): 13, 23; 6(2): 9-10; 10(1): 8-9
Tormey, Francine 7(2): 17-18, 28
Tsai, Sirina 8(1): 5, 8
Ventorino, Jenna 9(1): 19-20
Wang, Keith 2(2): 6, 11
Weeks, Martha E. 10(3): 13-14, 18
Weng, Yang Yang 4(3): 15
Yu, Renqui 7(2): 13-14, 24
Zou, Huiping 5(2): 19; 7-8


78 Favorite Recipes (author needed) 4(4): 6
150 Recipes from the Teahouse by Vivienne & Jenny Lo 6(1): 11
365 Ways to Cook Chinese by Rosa Lo San Ross 2(2): 15
1421: the Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies 10(2): 22-23
Almond Cookies and Dragon Well Tea by Cynthia Chin-Lee 8(4): 14
Art of Chinese Cookery, The by Joan Shih 10(3): 27
Asia by Martin Yan 5(1): 21
Asia in New York City: A Cultural Feast by Asia Society 8(2): 26
Asian Cooking by Irwin Geller 4(1): 12, 18
Asian Foods: Science and Technology by CYW Ang, KS Liu, and YW Huang 6(3): 22
Asian Fusion by Gillian Sutch 5(1): 20-21; 5(4): 13
Asian Grocery Store Demystified by Linda Bladholm 6(4): 19
Asian Noodles by Nina Simonds 4(2): 10, 16
Authentic Chinese Cuisine by Bryanna Clark Grogan 8(3): 25
Banquet: Ten Courses to Harmony by Annette Shuh Wah and Greg Aitking 8(1): 21
Best of Taiwanese Cuisine by Karen Hulene Bartell 8(3): 26
Beyond Bok Choy: A Cook's Guide To Asian Vegetables by Rosa Lo San Ross 3(3): 17
Blissful Cooking by Martin Yan 9(2): 18, 20
Blue Ginger by Ming Tsai and Arthur Boehm 7(3): 19
Book of Jook, The by Bob Flaws 4(4): 13, 16
Cambridge World History of Food Edited by Kenneth F. Kiple and Kriemhild Conee Ornelas 8(2): 25-26
Changing Chinese Foodways in Asia edited by David YH Wu and CB Tan 9(2): 18
Chen Horng Serves the Table by Chen Horng 7(3): 19-20
China to Chinatown: Chinese Food from the West by J.A.G. Roberts 10(1): 20-21
China Moon Cafe, The by Barbara Tropp 3(2): 10
Chinatown Cooking by Martin Yan 10(1): 20
Chinese & Asian Cookbook, The by Sallie Morris & Deh-Ta Hsiung 9(2): 14
Chinese Banquets by Esther Chan 2(2): 21
Chinese Cooking at Home..It’s Easy by Tommy and Tina Yen 1(1): 15-16
Chinese Cooking for Dummies by Martin Yan 8(2): 24
Chinese Cooking: Our Legacy edited by Keith Lowe 5(2): 20
Chinese Cuisine by Susanna Foo 2(4): 15, 20
Chinese Cuisine Recipes & Their Stories by Zhang Enlai 10(3): 26
Chinese Cuisine by Donaldina Cameron House 6(2): 25
Chinese Dietary Therapy by Gordon Peck 4(3): 18
Chinese Family Feast Dishes by Zhang Lianming, Li Siusong, Xiong Sizhi, and Qui Pangtong 5(3): 18-19
Chinese Festival Cookbook by Stuart Thompson and Angela Dennington 8(4): 13
Chinese Functional Food by Dang Yi, Peng Yong, and Li Wenkui 8(4): 9
Chinese Gourmet by Chinese-American Citizen’s Alliance-Portland Branch 6(2): 25
Chinese Healing Foods by Rosa LoSan and Suzanne LeVert 6(1): 9-10
Chinese Health Tea by Dang Yi, Wang Huizhou, and Peng Yong 9(1): 24
Chinese Herbal Cookbook, The by Penelopy Ody 8(4): 8
Chinese Home Cooking by Helen Chen's 1(1): 14-15; 3(1): 11
Chinese Home Cooking Recipes of Cantonese Dishes by Chinese Women’s Club 6(2): 12
Chinese Home Entertaining by Angela Chang 7(3): 20
Chinese Immigrant Cooking by Mary Tsui Ping Yee 5(4): 14-15
Chinese Kitchen, The by Deh-ta Hsuing 7(2): 16
Chinese Kitchen, The by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo 7(1): 19
Chinese Medicine by Duo Guo 5(3): 17-18
Chinese Recipes by Cantebury Chinese Cultural Centre 6(2): 26
Chinese Recipes by Fenn Mo 6(2): 12
Chinese Red Yeast Rice by Rita Elkins 9(2): 20
Chinese Renal Kitchen by the B.C. Chinese Nutrition Consultants 7(1): 20
Chinese Secrets of Health and Beauty by Bob Flaws 6(4): 20
Chinese Style of Food Cures by Henry Lu 4(3): 18
Chinese Tea Culture, the Origin of Tea Drinking by Wang Ling 9(1): 23
Chinese Way, The by Eileen Yin- Fei Lo 4(2): 16; 4(3): 21
Chopsticks, A Flight into Oriental Cooking edited by Mary Washburn 6(2): 12
Complete Book of Chinese Health & Healing, The by Daniel Reid 3(1): 17
Complete Chinese Cookbook, The by Jacki Passmore and Daniel P. Ried 8(3): 6
Cookbook of the Chinese Christian Church, no author given 6(2): 12, 25
Cooking with Green Tea by Yin Yang Compestine 8(1): 22-23
Cooking Together by Joyce and Tom Rose 8(2): 27
Culinary Chronicle, The edited by Christine Messer Nausch 5(1): 20
Culinary Journey, A edited by Martin Yan 2(3): 15-16
Delightful Chinese Cooking by Eng Tei Ang 7(1): 19-20
Dim Sum for Everyone by Grace Lin 8(4): 14
Dim Sum, the Art of Chinese Tea Lunch by Ellen Leong Blonder 9(3): 21
Discovering Asian Ingredients by Jennifer Yee 8(3): 26-27
Door to Chinese Festivals-Feasts-Fortunes by Anita Jones 8(4): 13
Dragon Fare by Women’s Corona Society-Hong Kong Branch 6(2): 12
Duchess of Malfi’s Apricots, and Other Literary Fruits, The by Robert Palter 10(2): 21
East Meets West Zodiac Cookbook edited by Annie Soo et al. 6(2): 25
Easy Family Dishes by Ken Hom 6(2): 15
Easy Family Recipes from a Chinese-American Childhood by Ken Hom 4(4): 13; 6(2): 15
Encyclopedia of Chinese Cooking by Wonona W. And Irving B. Chang and Helene and Austin Kutscher 4(4): 20
Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, edited by Solomon H. Katz 10(4): 29
Encyclopedia of the Overseas Chinese edited by Lyn Pan 7(4): 19
Essentials of Asian Cuisine by Corinne Trang 10(4): 27-28
Every Grain of Rice by Ellen Blonder and Annabel Low 5(4): 14
Everyday Chinese Cooking by Leeann and Katie Chin 8(4): 8
Everything Chinese Cookbook, The by Rhonda Lauret Parkinson 10(4): 29
Favorite Oriental Brand Name Recipes edited by Consumers Guide 9(4): 26
Favorites from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand by Martin Yan 8(4): 9
Feeding China’s Little Emperors, edited by Jun Jing 9(1): 24
Feng Shui Kitchen, The by Lam Kam Chuen and Lam Kai Sin 7(4): 20
Flavors of China by Arthur Lum 6(2): 25-26
Food and Cooking of China by Francine Halverson 3(2): 6
Food of China, The edited by Justine Harding 9(1): 23-24
Food of Paradise, The by Rachel Lauden 4(3): 14, 16
Foolproof Chinese Cooking by Ken Hom 8(2): 24-25
Fortune Cookie Cookbook by Margery Reed 5(4): 16
From Friends to Friends by the 3-C Fellowship of the Chinese Community Church 6(2): 26
From the Earth, Chinese Vegetarian Cuisine by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo 2(4): 15; 3(1): 14
Fruits as Medicine by Dan Yinfang and Liu Chengjun 4(4): 16
Fung Shui Cookbook, The by Elizabeth Miles 6(1): 9
Ginger, Garlic & Green Onion as Medicine by Wang Fuchun and Duan Yuhua 9(2): 20
Globalization of Chinese Food, The edited by David YH Wu and Sidney CH Cheung 9(3): 21-22
Gourmet Celestial by Los Angeles Chinese Women’s Club 6(2): 25
Gourmet Delights by Donaldina Cameron House 6(2): 25
Great Dishes of Yung Kee by Kimsen Kan and Hui Hin Leung 5(4): 15-16
Green Tea Book, The by Lester A Mitscher and Victoria Dolby 5(2): 20
Green Tea: Health Benefits and Applications by Yukihiho Hara 8(2): 26
Handbook of Spices, Seasonings, and Flavorings by Susheela Raghavan Uhl 8(1): 22
Hawker’s Delight by Agnes Chang 9(2): 14, 18
Healing Cuisine of China by Zhou Zhao and George Ellis 6(1): 10
Heartsmart Chinese Cooking by Stephen Wong 4(1): 18, 20
Helen Chen Cooks International by Helen Chen 5(2): 21
Henry’s First-Moon Birthday by Leonore Look 8(4): 13
Herbal Medicine by Steven B. Karch 8(1): 22
Hmong Recipe Cookbook by New Citizen’s Hmong Garden Project 6(2): 26; 9(2): 21
Homestyle Chinese Cooking by Yan Kit So 5(3): 18
Hot Wok by Ken Hom 6(2): 15-6
How to Cook and Eat in Chinese by Buwei Yang Chao 2(2): 15, 23
Illustrated Chinese Cookery by Ken Hom 1(1): 14
Imperial China 900 - 1800 by F.W. Mote 7(4): 19
Imperial Mongolian Cooking by Marc Cramer 8(2): 23-24
International Dictionary of Gastronomy by Guido Gomez de Silva 10(1): 21-22
Intriguing World of Chinese Home Cooking, The by Angela Chang 9(4): 22
Introducing Chinese Casserole Cooking by Lilah Kan 8(2): 25
Invitation to Cooking by Martin Yan 7(3): 20
Jiangsu Delicacies edited by Sun Cei Ni 4(4): 7
Kylie Kwong Recipes and Stories by Kylie Kwong 10(4): 27
Land of Plenty by Fuchsia Dunlop 10(4): 28
Learn to Cook Chinese Dishes (a nine-book series) edited by Lan Pejin, Liu Chun-gen, and Sun Shuming 9(1): 23
Lhasa Moon Tibetan Cookbook, The by Tsering Wangmo and Zara Houshmand 6(3): 22-23
Looking For China by Judy Schultz 3(3): 17
Los Chifas el Peru by Mariella Balbi 8(3): 25-26
Macao On A Plate by Annabel Doling 3(1): 17
Martin Yan’s Feast by Martin Yan 6(2): 14-15
Mary Sia’s Chinese Cookbook by Mary Li Sia 10(4): 11
Medicinal Herbs by Geng Jinying 5(2): 10
Medicinal Plants by Thomas S.C. Li 8(1): 21-22
Modern Art Of Chinese Cooking, The by Barbara Tropp 3(2): 10
Mooncakes and Hungry Ghosts by Carol Stepanchuk and Charles Wong 8(4): 13
Music and Recipes of the Orient produced by Andy Heath and Elise Minnix 6(4): 20
Near a Thousand Tables by Felipe Fernandez-Arnesto 10(3): 28
New Kyrgyz-English Culinary Dictionary, The by Martha E. Weeks 10(3): 28
New Chinese Recipes by Fred Wing 6(2): 12
New Classic Chinese Cookbook by Mai Leung 5(4): 15
New World Noodles by Bill Jones and Stephen Wong 4(3): 14
New World Chinese Cooking by Bill Jones and Stephen Wong 5(2): 19
New York Before Chinatown by John Kou Tchen 7(4): 19-20
Noodles and Rice and Everything Nice edited by Marian B. Miller 6(2): 12
Outdoor Wok Cookbook, The by Brenda Kulibert 8(2): 25
Oxford Companion to Food, The by Alan Davidson7(1): 22, 29
Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography by Peter Conn 5(1): 21-22
Rice Bible, The by Christian Teubner 7(1): 22
Sam Choy’s Island Flavors by Sam Choy 6(4): 20-21
Science and Civilization in China, Volume VI(5) by H. T. Huang 8(3): 24
Secrets from a Healthy Asian Kitchen by Ying Chang Compestine 9(4) 23
Secrets of Fat-fee Chinese Cooking by Ying Chang Compestine 8(3): 27
Selection of Chinese Recipes, A by The Chinese Asociation of Victoria 6(2): 26
Serendipitea by Tomislav Podreka 6(1): 11, 27
Shanghai Cuisine by Chen Li-Jung 9(3): 20
Silk Road Cooking: A Vegetarian Journey by Najmieh Batmanglij 10(1): 21
Silk Road: the Complete Chinese Cookbook , The; no author given 10(2): 21-22
Simple Guide to Chinese Ingredients and Other Asian Specialties by Martin Yan 2(3): 15
Soup for the Qan by Paul D. Buell & Eugene N. Anderson 8(2): 23
Southeast Asian Specialities by Rosaling Mowe 6(4): 19-20
Soybeans by KeShan Liu 6(2): 14
Spices, Seasonings, & Flavorings by Susheela Raghavan Uhl 8(1): 22
Spoonful of Ginger, A by Nina Simonds 6(3): 23
Stir-Fry to Szechuan-100 Classic Recipes edited by Weight Watchers International 5(2): 21
Story of Chopsticks, The by Ying Chang Compestine 9(4): 23
Story of Noodles, The by Ying Chang Compestine 9(4): 23
Taipei Best 100 Chinese restaurants by John Isacs 10(4): 28-29
Tao of Healing, The by Bob Flaws 6(1): 10, 29
Taoist Cookbook by Michael Saso 2(1): 11
Tea and Chopsticks edited by Desert Jade Women’s Club 6(2): 25
Tea Companion by Jane Pettigrew 6(1): 27
Travels with a Hot Wok by Ken Hom 6(2): 15-16
Treasured Recipes From Two Cultures by Women’s Society of Christian Service 6(2): 25
Vegetable Bible, The by Christian Teubner, Hans-George Levin, Elisabeth Lante, & Andreas Meissner 7(1): 22
Vegetables as Medicine by Chang Chaoliang, Cao Qingrong, and Li Baozhan 4(4): 17
Way of Tea, The by Lam Kam Chuen, Lam Kai Sin, and Lam Tin Yu 9(2): 22
Way of Qigong by Kenneth S Cohen 4(4): 17-18
When China Ruled the Seas by Louise Levathes 10(2): 23
Wine and Spirits of the Ancestors by Edith and Joel Frankel 9(4): 22
Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen, The by Grace Young 6(2): 16
Wok a Week by Elizabeth Chiu King 5(3): 16-17
Wok Fast by Hugh Carpenter and Teri Sandison 9(3): 20
Wokking on the Healthy Side by Christine Liu, Judy Won, Rhonda Wing, Sandra Chien, & Yinyan Leung 5(3): 16
Wonton Lust by John Kritsch 5(1): 21
World Cook’s Collection Chinese Kitchen by Linda Doeser 9(3): 22
World Food: Hong Kong by Richard Sperling, Elizabeth Chong, and Lushan Charles Qin 8(3): 24-25
Yum Yum Dim Sum by Amy Wilson Sanger 10(4): 28
Zen: The Modern Art of Eastern Cookery by Deng Ming-Dao 7(1): 22

RECIPES, by these categories:

Beef, Veal, Lamb, Camel, Bear, and Ostrich
Casseroles, Stews, and Hotpots
Chicken, Duck, Other Poultry, and Rabbit
Desserts, Fruits, and Sweets
Dim Sum, Dumplings, and Other Snack Foods
Fish and Shellfish, Eel, Snake, and Turtle
Pork and Pork Products
Rice, Noodles, and Other Grain Foods
Salads, Sauces, Pickles, Dressings, and Stuffings
Soups and Congees
Vegetables and Vegetarian Foods


Barbecued Steak, Tartar Style 8(3): 16
Barbecued Spare Ribs 4(1): 20
Bear’s Paw in Brown Sauce 2(3): 13
Beef Tongue, Chinese Style 10(3): 10
Beef and Egg Noodles 6(4): 29
Beef Sinew with Turnips and Carrots 4(1): 11
Beef Tendon in Brown Sauce 2(3): 13
Beef Tongue with Garlic 8(3): 27
Beef with Bitter Melon and Black Beans 4(2): 8, 18
Beef with (Young) Ginger 2(4): 12-13; 3(1): 9
Bitter Melon with Steak 10(3): 26
Braised Beef Steaks 5(3): 20
Braised Ox-tail 10(3): 32
Camel Paw With Mushrooms 3(2): 23
Cinnamon-flavored Spicy Beef 10(2): 10, 38
Cold Beef with Anise-flavored Aspic 4(1): 18
Dengdong Ragi (Dried Beef Ragi) 4(2): 12
Filet Mignon with Bleached Chives 5(1): 17, 18
Fragrant Crispy Lamb’s Leg 6(2): 10
Fried Meat and Potatoes, Kyrgyz Style 10(3): 18
Ground Beef with Yunnan Pepper-salt 10(2): 37
Hakka Mice Tails 7(4): 25
Hunan Braised Tripe 10(1): 12-13
Lamb and Beancurd Stick 9(2): 12
Lamb and Eggplant 8(3): 14
Lamb Pot with Onions 9(4): 21
Lamb Tripe with Mushrooms 10(1): 13
Lamb with Marinade 6(4): 26
Lamb Wraps 5(1): 12
Lion's Head with Crabmeat 5(3): 20-21
Liver with Mushrooms and Bamboo Shoots 7(4): 28
Lizard Liquor 7(2): 7
Mango Beef 5(4): 17
Many Flavored Beef Slices 8(1): 8
Mapo Doufu 10(4): 19
Marinade with Lamb 6(4): 26
Meat Chow Main (Bosse and Watanna style) 10(4): 33
Melon Stuffed with Spicy Beef 8(2): 26, 28
Mince Pork with Abalone Sauce 9(3): 24
Mongolian Barbecued Lamb 8(3): 14
Mongolian Barbecued Lamb Sandwiches 7(1): 24
Mongolian Beef 10(2): 32
Mongolian Fire Pot 3(1): 15
Mongolian Pancakes Stuffed with Meat 7(1): 24
Mushrooms, Sausages, and Eggs Over Rice 7(4): 22-28
Ostrich in Sa Cha Sauce 6(2): 21
Pepper Steak 1(1): 19
Persimmon Patties 9(3): 34
Quick-cooked Meat Stew 7(2): 26
Rabbit Stew, Chinese Style 8(1): 23
Red-cooked whole Brisket of Beef 4(1): 22
Red-Cooked Ostrich 6(2): 21
Sambal Kecap 4(2): 18
Sate Beef 4(2): 19
Silk Road Braised Lamb 10(2): 26, 32
Skewered Beef with Sa Cha Sauce 2(2): 17-18
Spiced Meat, Liver, and Kidney Stew 10(2): 32
Spicy Beef with Baby Bok Choy 4(1): 20
Spicy Ginger Beef 7(3): 21, 28
Spicy Preserved Beef 8(2): 6
Steamed Tangerine Beef 6(2): 18
Steamed Meat Cakes 9(4): 21-22
Stir-fried Steak with Green Peppers and Tomatoes 2(1): 19
Stir-fried Beef and Mushrooms 8(4): 10
Stir-fried Beef and Onions 2(2): 22
Stir-fried Beef with Tomatoes 2(2): 18
Street-stall Tripe 10(1): 13
Susanna Foo's Veal Dumplings 5(3): 22
Sweet Like Honey 3(2): 9
Tendon and Tripe, Shanghai Style 10(1): 13
Three-fruited Beef 7(4): 8
Tibetan Meatball Curry 8(4): 17
Tongue, Chinese Style 10(3): 10
Tripe, Bamboo Shoots, and Ginger Sauce 10(1): 32
Yunnan Tripe, Pork, and Pickled Vegetables 10(1): 12
Yunnan Yam Stew 8(3): 19


Almond Tea 4(4): 11
Boeja (Tibetan tea) 2(4): 23
Daikon and Mushroom Decoction 6(1): 29
Ginger Beef Tea 6(1): 8
Ginger Tea 5(3): 9
Lizard Liquor 7(2): 7
Mung Bean Tea 9(3): 23
Soy Milk 3(2): 17
Special Butter Tea 6(4): 16
Sweet Rice Wine 2(2): 8


Honey-filled Flat Bread 10(2): 37
Kazak Flat Bread 10(1): 7
Shanghai Sesame Bread 8(4): 7
Tibetan Fried Bread 8(4): 17


Braised Red Pork Casserole 1(1): 9
Chinese Wolfberry Stew 3(1): 19
Chrysanthemum Firepot 3(1): 21
Fish Head Casserole in Sandpot 7(3): 8
Fish Lips Casserole Hot Pot 10(2): 6
Fruit, Nut, and Meat Casserole 9(3): 31
Hot Pot Mongolian Style 8(1): 11
Lamb Hot Pot 10(2): 23
Mongolian Fire Pot 3(1): 15
Sayur Lodek (Vegetable Stew) 4(2): 12
Snake & Shark's Fin Casserole 2(3): 12
Snake Stew 7(2): 10
Ta Pian Lu 8(1): 11
Ten Ingredient Hot Pot 8(1): 11
Tofu and Tendon in Sandpot 7(3): 8
Tripe Hot Pot 8(1): 12
Turtle & Pork Casserole 2(3): 13
Vegetable Hot Pot 2(4): 20-21
Vegetable Stew 4(2): 12
Vegetarian Stewed Turtle 1(1): 24
Winter Melon Casserole 2(2): 12, 19


Anita Wong’s Duck. 9(2): 22
Baked Chicken Wings 10(3): 32
Beggar's Chicken II 5(2): 7-8
Beggar's Chicken III 5(2): 8
Beggars Chicken 5(2): 7
Boiled Chicken with Pork and Rice Stuffing 6(3): 18
Bong Bong Chicken 2(1): 16
Braised Chicken with Chestnuts 7(3): 21
Braised Duck Tongue in Red Wine Lees 10(3): 30
Cantonese Scallion Chicken 2(1): 16
Chicken and Bitter Melon 4(4): 21
Chicken and Snake Cantonese Style 7(1): 14
Chicken in Hot Sauce 10(4): 19
Chicken in Plum Sauce 4(4): 21
Chicken, Spareribs and Camel Hoof 10(3): 6
Chicken, Snake, and Young Ginger 7(1): 14
Chicken Stir-fry with Mango 8(4): 26
Chicken with Fuyu Flavor 9(2): 10
Chicken with Gingko Nuts 10(4): 6
Chicken with Pangi Tree Seeds 8(2): 13
Chicken with Papaya 7(2): 18
Chicken with Pears and Quince 6(3): 14
Chicken with Pomegranate and Pine Nuts 6(4): 24
Chicken Rolls Steamed in Lotus Leaf 5(4): 5-6
Chicken Velvet 9(1): 20
Chicken Wings with Hoisin Sauce 4(2): 8
Chicken with Chinese Vegetables 2(2): 6, 11
Concubine Chicken 9(3): 22
Crispy Aromatic Roast Duck 10(2): 38
Crispy Skin Chicken with Black Vinegar Shallot Dressing 10(4): 30
Diced Chicken with Walnuts 2(1): 18
Drunken Chicken 2(1): 16; 6(3): 28
Duck Tongues With White Fungus 3(2): 23
Failing Energy Chicken 8(3): 23
Fried Rabbit Fillet 4(4): 7
General Tzo's Chicken 2(2): 6; 3(4): 5-6
Ginkgo Nuts With Chicken 3(1): 8
Goose In Spicy Sauce 3(2): 21
Lychee Duck 5(4): 18
Monkey head Mushroom in White Sauce 2(3): 12
Pickled Duck Tongues 8(4): 22
Plum Sauce Chicken with Black Mushrooms & Pine Nuts 8(2): 29
Red-Cooked Duck 10(3): 10
Rice Wine with Cornish Hen 2(2): 8, 14
Roast Chicken 3(3): 13
Roast Drunken Duck 6(2): 16-17
Sesame Chicken Bites 9(2): 34
Snake Stew 7(2): 10
Soy Sauce Chicken 10(3): 10
Soy Sauce Duck 4(4): 20
Spiced Lily Bud Duck 4(4): 19
Spiced Squab 10(3): 10
Spicy Chicken Wingettes 6(4): 21
Spicy Preserved Beef 8(2): 6
Steamed Chicken in Bamboo 10(1): 32
Steamed Chicken with Angelica 7(1): 8
Steamed Duck with Green Vegetables 7(3): 18
Stewed Chicken Hearts 10(4): 14
Stir-fried Chicken and Monkey Head Mushrooms 8(2): 30
Stir Fried Pineapple Chicken 3(3): 13
Sweet and Sour Chicken Livers 4(4): 14
Sweet And Sour Duck Liver 3(2): 19, 23
Weird Flavor Chicken 6(1): 27
Yunnan Yam Stew 8(3): 19


Autumn Olive Jam 4(4): 6
Banana Pancakes 8(1): 20
Birds Nest with Rock Sugar 4(1): 7, 22
Bow Tie Noodle Snack 6(4): 29
Bread Crumbs in sour Cream and Sugar 10(3): 18
Cantonese Moon Cakes 2(3): 5-6
Chinese New Year Cake 5(4): 17
Date Triangles 10(2): 30
Easy Tasty Moon Cake 2(3): 6-7
Eight Jewel Coconut Rice Pudding 10(1): 22
Eight Precious Pudding 5(4): 7; 6(3): 18, 26
Fortune Cookies 5(4): 21
Fried Bananas 10(4): 34
Fruit and Bird’s Nest 7(1): 14
Fruit Kanten 8(3): 30
Jott Jook 9(1): 28
Lily-stuffed Pears 9(3): 32
Mango Strips 2(2): 16
Moon Cakes 2(3): 9
Oiled Dough Wrapping 2(3): 9
Persimmon Ices 9(3): 34
Pickled Peaches 7(1): 30
Pineapple Kanten 4(3): 16
Pineapple with Brown Sugar 10(4): 24
Red Dates and Hasma 7(3): 12
Rice Wine with Egg 2(2): 8
Salty Filling (for moon cakes) 2(3): 9, 22
Savory Home-Style Steamed Egg 1(1): 9-10
Silver Moon Cake 2(3): 6
Steamed Honey Pears 5(1): 6
Steamed New Year Cake 5(4): 20
Stewed Fruit with White Fungus 5(4): 6
Strawberries and Melon in Plum Wine 6(3): 24
Sweet Jasmine Tea Cake 8(1): 23
Sweet Swallow’s Nest 7(2): 10
Sweet Filling (for moon cakes) 2(3): 22
Three Fruit Stew 9(3): 34
Tibetan Honey Rice Cookies 8(4): 18
Walnut Cookies 2(3): 18
Water Dough Wrapping (for moon cakes) 2(3): 9
Wet Seeds Prunes 2(2): 16, 18
White Fungus and Fruit Compote 6(3): 14
Yellow and White Mango Delight 10(2) 19


Baked Beef Pastry 10(3): 31
Banana Pancakes 8(1): 20
Bean Curd Rolls 8(4): 10
Bow-tie Noodle Snack 6(4): 29
Buddhist’s Bean Curd Rolls 6(2): 17
Cha Shu 2(3): 8
Chinese Egg Tarts 10(2): 18
Chinese Omelet 4(4): 14
Chinese Spring Roll 6(3): 30
Corn Pancakes 10(2): 30
Crispy Egg Roll Pastries 6(3): 17
Crispy Rice Paper Tofu Rolls 6(3): 26
Deep-fried Phoenix Balls 9(2): 23
Dried Lotus Flowers 8(4): 12
Egg Yolk Filling 6(3): 18
Four Color Shu Mai 3(3): 23
Glazed Sweet Potato Balls 8(3): 19
Goldberg's Shrimp-style Toast 4(1): 14, 20
Green Hakka Buns 10(4): 26
Hakka Stuffed Bean Curd 10(4): 34
Happy Face Balls 2(4): 11
Har Gow (Shrimp Dumplings) 3(3): 22
Hubei Lotus Sandwiches 9(4): 27
Jade Dumplings 10(3): 31
Jian Dwei (Glutinous Rice Sesame Balls) 2(4): 21
Lotus Leaf Surprise 8(4): 31
Mung Bean Boxed Treasure 6(2): 28
New Year Cake 2(4): 6
Nonya Popia 8(2): 13-14
Pan Fried Meat Dumplings 2(4): 7
Pearl Balls 10(3): 28, 32
Peas Cake 6(2): 10
Popia Egg Wrappers 8(2): 14
Pot Stickers 6(4): 14
Salty Zongzi 8(3): 8
Samsas 10(2): 26
Savory Home-style Steamed Egg 1(1): 9-10
Seafood Spring Roll Sticks 7(3): 21
Shao Bing 6(4): 14
Shrimp Toast 3(3): 23
Spring Rolls 2(4): 6
Steamed New year Cake 5(4): 20
Stuffed You-tai 6(4): 30
Sweet Rice Dumplings 9(4): 8
Sweet Zongzi with Bean Paste 8(3): 8
Tea Eggs with Pu-er Tea 10(1): 24
Tea-flavored Eggs 8(2): 28
Tea in Pancake Rolls 6(1): 25
Tea Rice Rolls 6(1): 25
Tibetan Momo’s 6(4): 12
Tong Yuan 2(4): 16-17
Tong Yuan with Peanut Butter 2(4): 17, 21
Tong Yuan with Sweet Rice 2(4): 17
Water Crystal Steamed Shrimp Dumplings 6(3): 29
Xiamin Spring Roll 8(1): 25
Yam Balls 6(4): 18
Yellow-bird Buns 7(2): 26
Zamba 6(4): 12


Abalone and Mushrooms 8(1): 16
Banana Shrimp Sandwiches 8(1): 20
Braised Abalone 9(3): 24
Braised Fish with Lemon Sauce 8(2): 28
Breaded Scallop Skewers with Black Bean Sauce 5(2): 21-22
Broiled Tuna with Tofu in Soy-Mustard Dill 5(4): 17, 21
Cantonese Steamed Sauced Fish Tails 10(2): 36
Clove-flavored Shrimp Pancakes 10(4): 13
Conpoy and Bean Sprouts. 9(2): 6
Crab in Mango Crust 8(3): 7
Crab Meat Egg Fu Yung 5(3): 10
Crab with Celery Cabbage 10(4): 10
Crispy Tea-flavored Shrimp 6(1): 30
Deep Fried Oyster Cakes 8(1): 25
Deep-fried Stuffed Eggplant 6(3): 23
Deep-fried Phoenix Balls 9(2): 23
Drunken Fish 7(4): 14
Eel Fujian Style 6(4): 18
Eel with Chinese Leeks 9(4): 30
Eel with Hoisin Sauce 9(4): 31
Eel with Red Sauce 9(4): 30
Eel with Red Wine Lees 9(4): 31
Fish Lips 3(2): 19
Fish Lips Casserole Hot Pot 10(2): 6
Fish with Red Wine Lees 9(3): 19
Fish with Spicy Bean Sauce 4(4): 20
Five with Five Oyster Cake--Fujian Style 6(2): 20
Four Seasons’s Seafood Platter 10(1): 35
Fujian Style Crab Rolls 6(2): 20
Ginger Sauce Eels 3(1): 19
Honey Stuffed Crabs 7(2): 26
Hunan-style Fried Fish Tails 10(1): 18
Hundred Get-together Shrimp 9(3): 32
Jelly Fish, Cucumbers, and Pi Dan 9(1): 10
Li Li’s Scrambled Eggwhite with Crabmeat 8(1): 23
New Year Rolls 9(2): 6
Oyster Omelet 9(2): 22
Pan-fried Shrimp Dumplings 9(4): 24
Persimmon and Scallops 9(3): 31
Roasted Fish, Dai Style 9(3): 33
Sauteed Scallops and Egg Whites 10(1): 32
Savoury Puffs with Prawn Sambal 9(2): 22
Scallops with Black Bean Sauce 9(1): 26
Scallops and Eggs 5(2): 22
Shanghai Eel 9(4): 31
Shanghai-style Stewed Fish Tails 10(1): 18
Shark Bone Tonic Soup 7(3): 28
Shredded Snake with Rainbow Vegetables 7(2): 29
Shrimp Balls in Oyster Sauce 4(2): 8
Shrimp-stuffed Loquats 9(3): 19
Shrimp Surprise 8(1): 20
Shrimp with Mango and Bell Fruit 7(3): 27-28
Shrimp with Straw Mushrooms 8(2): 22
Sichuan Crispy Spicy Fish 10(2): 36
Silk Squash Sichuan Style 10(2): 20, 35
Smoked Fish Shanghai Style 6(2): 8
Spicy Fish with Yam Bean 8(3): 20
Spicy Shad Slices, Shanghai Style 10(1): 9
Steamed Apple, Shrimp, and Tofu 5(4): 18
Steamed Crabs 5(3): 9
Steamed Fish in Sweet Potato Flour 6(2): 22
Steamed Fish with Pickled Lemon 8(3): 28
Steamed Pepper Stuffed with Beancurd Sheet and Shrimp 5(4): 20
Steamed Scallops with Black Bean Sauce 7(2): 16
Steamed Scallops in Spiced Butter Sauce 6(2): 18
Steamed Sea Bass, Bruce Ho Style 10(1): 28
Steamed Seafood with Tree Seeds 7(4): 13-14
Steamed Shad 10(1): 9
Stewed Bean Curd with Dried Fish 9(2): 10
Stewed Eel, Mushrooms, and Pork 9(4): 34
Stewed Eel Shanghai Style 6(3): 20
Stewed Fish Lips 10(1): 6-7
Stir Fried Snow Frog with Egg White 7(3): 12
Stir-Fried Crispy Scallops 2(1): 21
Stir-fried Eel with Peppers 5(3): 6
Stir-fried Shrimp with Dragon Well Leaves 6(2): 7-8
Stuffed Yao Tai 9(3): 19
Sweet Sour Rock Fish Fillets 2(1): 21
Sweet and Sour Shrimp 3(4): 18
Swimming Shrimp Dumplings 9(2): 35
Tomato Sauce Shrimp 3(3): 10
West Lake Fish 3(1): 13
Wine and Honey Flavored Eel 9(4): 31
Wonona's Eel in Egg Batter 5(3): 6
Wrapped Eel 9(4): 34
Zhejiang Sweet and Sour Fish Tails 10(2): 36


Ants Climbing Trees 10(4): 32
Barbecued Pork 7(2): 26
Barbecued Spare Ribs 4(1): 20
Bean Curd Sticks with String Beans 9(3): 26
Bitter Melon with Stuffed Pork 4(4): 14
Crispy Buddha's Hand 5(4): 6
Dried Spiced Pork 8(1): 8
Dry-cooked Spare Ribs 2(2): 23
Dung Po Pork 3(1): 13, 21
Fried Bean Curd with Chili 9(2): 9
Haw Fruit with Pork 9(4): 25
Honeyed Ham Steak 2(2): 15
Hunan Braised Tripe 10(1): 12-13
Lion’s Head 5(3): 20-21; 6(2): 8
Long Cooked Pigs Feet 5(1): 10
Minced Pork with Abalone Sauce 9(3): 24
Mushrooms, Sausage, and Eggs Over Rice 7(4): 22
Pickled Pigs Feet 6(1): 24; 6(2): 18
Pig’s Feet with Ginger and Sweet Black Vinegar 8(1): 14
Plain Tong Yuen 7(1): 11-12
Pork Balls with Preserved Vegetables 6(3): 17
Pork Chop on Rice 9(3): 16
Pork-filled Tong Yuen 7(1): 11
Pork Loin with Lycium Berries 6(4): 11
Pork with Red and White 6(4): 24
Pork with Tea Eggs 10(1): 24
Preserved Pork with Preserved Vegetables 10(4): 26
Red-cooked Ham 6(3): 20
Roast Pork 8(1): 14
Shanghai-style Sweet and Sour Spareribs 7(3): 24
Silkworm Pupas with Ground Pork 7(3): 10
Sour Pork with Haw 9(4): 25, 34
Spare Ribs in Pot 9(3): 33
Spare Ribs in Tea 6(4): 6
Spare Ribs with Hoisin Sauce 1(1): 16-17
Spare Bibs with Kiwi 7(4): 8
Spare Ribs with Papaya 7(2): 18, 28
Spare Ribs with Peaches 7(1): 26
Steamed Almonds with Pork 6(4): 11
Steamed Pork Chops 6(3): 18
Steamed Pork with Salted Egg 9(1): 10
Steamed Pork Wrap 5(1): 8
Steamed Wintermelon with Virginia Ham 2(2): 19
Stir-fried Pine Flower Eggs 7(2): 22
Stuffed Bitter Melon 10(3): 25-26
Tong Yuen with Black Sesame Seed Paste 7(1): 12
Twice-cooked Pork 10(4): 31
Yi-style Pickles and Pork 10(2): 31
Yunnan Tripe, Pork, and Pickled Vegetables 10(1): 12


Abalone Flavored Rice Noodles 9(3): 24
Cat's Ear Pasta with Chicken and Portobello Mushrooms 2(4): 20
Cinnamon Beef Noodles 4(2): 10
Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce 2(1): 6
Crossing Bridge Noodles 10(2): 28
Cucumber on Rice Noodle Sheet 10(2): 28
Dan Dan Noodles 10(4): 31
Fun Si with Cucumbers 5(1): 13
Gailan and Oyster Sauce Lo Mein 4(3): 16
Hakka Layer Cake 10(4): 26
Life Long Noodles in Vegetable Sauce 8(3): 28
Noodles with Green Mustard Leaves and Tofu 5(4): 13
Rice Noodles with Meat 6(4): 29
Rice Pilaf Kyrgyz Style 10(3): 18
Sesame Noodles 5(1): 10, 22; 6(4): 29
Shanghainese Cold Egg Noodles 10(4): 30
Sweet Sesame Rice Noodles 6(4): 21
Tentuk 6(3): 23
Tibetan Saffron Rice 8(4): 17
Tong Yuen with Black Sesame Paste 7(1): 12
Vegetarian Pasta with Two Chinese Sauces 4(2): 6, 18
Water Crystal Steamed Shrimp Dumplings 6(3): 29
Yangzhou Fried Rice 6(3): 17; 10(4): 10
Agar Agar Salad 1(1): 13
Atya Atya Indonesian Pickles 4(2): 19
Beijing Salad 1(1): 12-13
Cantonese Black Bean Cooking Sauce 9(3): 23
Chinese Batter for Deep-fried Foods 8(3): 28
Chinese Sweet and Sour Pickles 4(2): 19
Chinese Sweet and Sour Radishes 4(2): 19
Fresh Herb Dressing 6(3): 24
Fujianese Red Wine Paste 8(2): 27
Garlic Paste 10(4): 35
Ginger Juiced Oil 6(1): 24
Ginger Wine Dipping Sauce 8(3): 7
Green Papaya Salad 4(2): 16
Hot Mustard Sauce 7(1): 29
Jelly Fish and Cucumber Salad 4(3): 22
Lychee Roast Duck Salad 4(3): 12
Osmanthus Syrup 9(4): 7
Peanut Sauce 4(2): 21
Pickled Ginger 8(3): 29
Quince Stuffing 6(3): 13
Red and Black Dou Miao Salad 8(2): 8
Red Wine Paste 6(2): 20
Rojak 5(2): 17
Sambal Kecap 4(2): 18
Shrimp and Vegetable Salad 6(3): 24
Shrimp Paste 10(4): 35
Spicy Dipping Sauce 9(2): 32
Spirited Haw Syrup 9(4): 25
Tibetan Hot Sauce 8(4): 16
Tofu Salad Dressing 5(3): 20
Watercress Salad with Chicken and Asian Pear 5(1): 18
Western Influenced Dou Miao Salad 8(2): 8


Abalone and Fish Ball Soup 9(3): 24
Basic Pork Soup Stock 6(3): 10
Bean Curd and Black Tea-leaves with Soup 6(1): 30
Beef Soup 7(1): 24
Beef and Egg Congee 6(3): 17
Bird’s Nest Dumplings in Soup 7(1): 13
Bird’s Nest for Breakfast 7(1): 14
Bird's Nest Soup 3(2): 19
Bitter Melon and Pork Soup 10(3): 26
Black Chicken Soup 10(2): 7
Black Sesame Soup 7(1): 12
Black Sesame Soup Concentrate 7(1): 12
Black and Golden Mushroom Soup 8(2): 22, 30
Cane and Arrowroot Soup 6(3): 26
Chicken and Soup, The Easy Way 8(2): 9
Chicken Congee with Pi dan 9(1): 10
Ching Po Leung Soup 6(3): 10
Creamy Corn and Crab Soup 6(2): 17
Dou Miao Soup with Fermented Bean Curd 8(2): 8
Double Wrap in Soup 5(1): 12
Dried Cole Soup 6(3): 28
Duck Soup with Mushrooms 7(4): 28
Frogs Leg Soup 6(2): 6
Fruit and Vegetable Soup with Fish 7(4): 8
Fun Si Meatball Soup 5(1): 23
Ginkgo and Sweet Rice Soup 5(2): 14
Ginseng Fish Head Soup 5(2): 14
Green and Black Soup 10(2): 35
Green and White Cold Soup 7(3): 12
Herbal Sweet Banquet Soup 9(3): 33
Hot and Sour Soup 10(4): 10
Jott Jook 9(1): 28
Rejuvenation Soup 5(3): 20
Savory Bird's Nest Soup 4(1): 22
Vegetarian Duck Soup with Tonic Flavor 1(1): 24
Watercress Soup 4(1): 12
West Lake Soup 3(1): 21
Kazak Noodle Soup 9(4): 21
Lily Bulb and Mung Bean Congee 10(4): 24
Lily Bulb Congee 9(3): 32
Longevity Soup 8(3): 23
Lotus Root Soup with Osmanthus 9(4): 8
Lotus Soup 8(4): 12
Millet Congee with Brown Rice 9(1): 28
Momo Soup 6(4): 16
Mongolian Noodle Soup 8(3): 14
Paal Kanji 9(1): 28
Papaya in Soup 7(2): 18
Pickled Cucumber and Chicken Soup 9(2): 33
Pigeon Soup in Bamboo Bowls 6(4): 21
Pomegranate and Pork Soup 6(4): 24
Pork and Lily Bulb Soup 9(3): 32
Pork and Mustard Green Soup 9(2): 32
Pulled Noodles and Beef in Soup 6(3): 23
Red, White, and Green Soup 6(4): 30
Red Wine Hot and Sour Sea Cucumber Soup 6(2): 22
Salted Egg and Wonton Soup 10(3): 31
Seaweed Eggdrop Soup 8(3): 10
Shark Bone Tonic Soup 7(3): 28
Silk Squash Soup 9(3): 32
Snake, Corn, and Crab Meat Soup 7(1): 14
Soup, Kyrgyz Style 10(3): 18
Spare Ribs and Cucumber Soup 8(2): 9
Swallow’s Nest in Souper Soup 7(2): 10
Thupka 9(1): 28
Thupka Broth 6(3): 24
Tonic Duck Soup 8(4): 10
Wine Chicken Soup 8(1): 14
Wintermelon Soup 8(2): 30
Wonton Noodle Soup 10(3): 12


Bamboo Pith with Bean Curd 6(4): 30
Bao Cai 10(3): 37-38
Blossom and Egg White Saute 9(2): 32
Braised Eggplant with Mango 8(4): 26
Braised Tofu & Mushrooms 2(3): 18
Buddha’s Delight, Four Seasons Style 10(1): 35
Buddha's Delight with Vegetarian Abalone 4(3): 6, 22
Buddhist Temple Feast 8(4): 31
Buddhist’s Bean Curd Rolls 6(2): 17
Cabbage Wraps 5(1): 12
Chestnuts and Chinese Yams 10(4): 34
Chinese Potato Salad 10(4): 31
Chinese-style Kimchi 10(3): 38
Crispy Seaweed 8(2): 28
Double Fungi with Celery 9(1): 26
Eggplant with Ginger Juiced Oil 6(1): 24
Fragrant Sweet Potato Balls 7(3): 21
Fried Buddhist Beancurd 2(2): 21
Green Onion Cakes 2(3): 16
Green Tomatoes and Eggs 10(2): 37
Grilled Eggplant with Savory Mushrooms 9(2): 23
Grilled Tofu Sandwich 6(1): 26
Home Made Beancurd 2(2): 13
Hot and Sour Pickled Cabbage 8(4): 21-22
Iced Bean Curd 9(1): 18
Jade Rice-noodle Wraps 5(1): 7
Jelly Fish, Cucumbers and Pi Dan 9(1): 10
Kelp, Golden Mushrooms, and Vegetables 8(3): 30
Lotus and Oyster Mushroom Pancakes 8(1): 15-16
Marinated Bitter Melon 10(3): 26
Mixed Pickles 8(4): 27
Mock Chicken Rolls 9(3): 6
Mock Oysters 8(2): 22
Mushroom Platter Delight 7(3): 26
Osmanthus Stuffed Lotus Root 9(4): 8
Pao Cai 8(4): 27
Pickled Cabbage, Sichuan Style 10(3): 38
Pickled Carrot, Cucumber, and Radish Sticks 8(4): 22
Pickled Mustard Greens 9(2): 33
Pirated Bean Curd from Yuan Mei 9(1): 18
Red and Black Dou Miao Salad 8(2): 8
Sauteed Dou Miao with Garlic 8(2): 8
Sichuan Pickled Cucumbers 10(3): 38
Sichuan Pickled Vegetables 10(4): 32
Silk Road Eggplant 10(2): 32
Silk Squash, Fried Crullers, and Golden Mushrooms 10(2): 35
Silk Squash Sichuan Style 10(2): 20, 35
Silk Squash with Nut Meats 10(2): 35
Silkworm Pupas with Cucumber 7(3): 10
Simple Kyrgyz Salad 10(3): 14
Smashed Radish Pickles 8(4): 27
Spiced Vegetarian Meatballs 10(4): 14
Spicy Cabbage, Genghis Khan 8(4): 18
Spicy Pickled Cucumbers, Carrots and Daikon Radish 7(3): 24
Stir Fried Chinese Mustard Greens 5(1): 18
Stir-Fried Tomatoes with Eggs 2(1): 13
Sumptuous Succulent Mushrooms 7(4): 22
Suryani's Vegetarian Chicken 4(3): 22
Sweet and Sour Peppers and Eggplant 5(2): 17-18
Sweet Corn Kernels with Green Peppers 10(4): 30
Sweet Potato and Taro Dumplings 9(3): 15
Sweet Rice Dumplings 9(4): 8
Tasty Eggplant Pickle 8(4): 21
Tea-leaves and Corn 6(1): 30
Three Ways with Water Spinach 3(3): 17
Tofu and Tree Seeds 7(4): 14
Tofu Crepe Wraps 5(1): 8
Tofu Salad with Peapods and Peppers 5(3): 20
Tofu Salad Dressing 5(3): 20
Tofu with Golden Mushrooms 8(2): 22
Vegetarian Gold Coins 2(1): 14; 9(4): 23-24
Vegetarian Lamb Curry 10(2): 38
Vegetarian Rice Rolls 5(3): 19
Vegetarian Steak with Mushrooms and Bamboo 10(4): 12
Vegetarian Wraps 5(1): 7
Western Influenced Dou Miao Salad 8(2): 8
Winter Melon with Nira 7(1): 29
Xian-style Eggplant and Pomegranate 10(1): 22
XO Sauce with Tofu 7(3): 27
Yunnan Cabbage and Potatoes 10(2): 28, 37


    (also see those listed (many by location) in the Articles section under On and Off Menus)

66 (New York City, NY) 10(3): 15-17
123 Mott Street (New York City, NY) 3(3): 8
202 Mott Street Rice Shop (New York City, NY) 3(3): 7
A & B Lobster King House (New York City, NY) 10(2): 13, 31
ADA Fujian (Flushing, NY) 9(4): 18
Asia Brasserie (Singapore) 9(4): 29
Asia Grille (Minneapolis, MN) 8(4): 19
Asian Kitchen Restaurant (Osaka, Japan) 3(4): 9
Au Mandarin (New York City, NY) 8(1): 27
Austin Koo's Mandarin (Chicago, IL) 2(2): 6
Ave Fenix (San Jose, Costa Rica) 7(1): 15
Bar Restaurant Tagon (Caracas, Venezuela ) 7(4): 17-18
Beijing Chinese Restaurant (Chesapeake, VA) 2(1): 18
Ben Pao (Chicago, IL) 9(4): 19
Big Wong (New York City, NY) 3(3): 7
Blue Ginger (Singapore) 9(4): 28
Bo Ky Pho (New York City, NY) 3(3): 7
Bow Hon Restaurant (San Francisco, CA) 7(4): 24-25
Bright Pearl (Toronto, Canada) 6(3): 12
Bruce Ho’s Four Seasons (New York City, NY) 9(4): 11-12
Café Luna (Singapore) 9(4): 29
Cancun’s Shanghai Secret (Cancun, Mexico) 9(2): 26
Chiam (New York City, NY) 3(1): 10
China Village Restaurant (Dawson City, CA) 10(4):
China Fun (New York City, NY) 7(3): 29
China Rainbow (Salisbury, NC) 6(2): 27
Chinatown Seafood Restaurant (Brookline, MA) 9(2): 25-26
Chinatown Express Restaurant (Washington, DC) 9(4): 20, 21, 28
Chinese Wall (Tel Aviv, Israel) 8(1): 9-10
Chinese Delmonico (New York City, NY) 8(1): 5
Chungking Chinese Sichuan (Yokohama, Japan) 3(4): 10
Club Chinois (Singapore) 9(2): 5, 8
Crown Chinese Buffet (Niagara Falls, NY) 6(4): 28
David K's (New York City, NY) 3(1): 10
Dish of Salt (New York City, NY) 8(1): 28
Don Wang (San Jose, Costa Rica) 7(1): 15
Double Dragon (Nassau, the Bahamas) 10(3): 16, 36
Drago D’Oro (Sicily) 8(3): 15
Dragon Inn ( Juneau, AK) 10(4): 20
Dumpling House (New York City, NY) 9(4): 18
East Ocean Dim Sum (Sydney, Australia) 4(2): 20
East Buffet (Huntington Station, NY) 6(4): 28
East (Flushing, NY) 8(2): 15-16
Emperor of China (Louisville, KY) 10(4): 22
Empire Buffet (Selden, NY) 7(3): 30
Empress Harbor Seafood Restaurant (Monterey Park, CA) 10(4): 22
Five Feet (Laguna Beach, CA) 6(4): 17, 30
Fu Do (Anchorage, AK) 10(4): 20-21
Full Ho Seafood Restaurant (Flushing, NY) 5(2): 15-16
Fung Yen Rosticeria (Lima, Peru) 9(3): 17
Fuzhou (New York City, NY) 6(2): 23-24
Galaxie II Restaurant (New Providence, RI) 7(4): 24
Golden Heart City (Fairbanks, AK) 10(4): 20
Golden Monkey (New York City, NY) 4(4): 9
Golden Floata Seafood restaurant (Vancouver, Canada) 4(2): 9
Golden Century Seafood restaurant (Sydney, Australia) 4(2): 20
Grand Sichuan International (New York City, NY) 10(4): 7-8, 19
Grand Sichuan Eastern (New York City, NY) 10(4): 7-8, 19
Grand Sichuan (New York City, NY) 5(1): 14
Grand Sausages (New York City, NY) 3(3): 7
Grape Restaurant (Shanghai, China) 10(1): 19
Hangzhou Restaurant (Hanzhou, China) 3(1): 11
Healthy Mess Vegetarian Restaurant (Guangzhou, China) 3(2): 22
Hing Loon Seafood Restaurant ( Seattle, WA) 8(4): 24
Hon Kee (Richmond, Canada) 7(2): 25
Hunan Gourmet (Merrick, NY) 7(3): 30
Hunan Garden (Hong Kong) 3(2): 7
Imperial Herbal (Singapore) 9(4): 29
Jenny’s Seafood Restaurant (Flushing, NY) 6(2): 23
Jim Chai Kee (Hong Kong) 3(2): 7
Jimmy Sung’s (New York City, NY) 10(2): 6
K.B. Garden (Flushing, NY) 3(2): 7
Kai Kim Kaku (Yokohama, Japan) 3(4): 10
Koon Luck (Vancouver, Canada) 7(2): 25
Kopi Tiam (Singapore) 9(4): 28
Kowloon's Temple Street Night Market (Hong Kong) 3(2): 8
La Grande Cina (Sicily) 8(3): 15
La Corona de Oro (Caracas, Venezuela) 10(3): 7
Lai Wah Heen (Toronto, Canada) 6(3): 8
Lai King (Caracas, Venezuela) 10(3): 33-34
Lau Fau Shan (Hong Kong) 3(2): 7
Lei Yue Mun (Hong Kong) 3(2): 7
Lhasa (New York City, NY) 6(4): 12
Ling Zhi Vegtarian Restaurants (Singapore) 9(4): 29
Ling Nam (Caracas, Venezuela) 7(4): 17
Lion’s Den (San Francisco, CA) 9(3): 11-12, 27
Little Shanghai (Brooklyn, NY) 3(3): 8
Little Fu’s (Hewlett, NY) 7(3): 29
Luo Yang Chinese Restaurant (Flushing, NY) 2(3): 20
Mama Loo’s (Paradise Island, Bahamas) 10(3): 17, 36
Mandarin Restaurant (Bountiful UT) 6(1): 12; 9(2): 27
Mandarin Restaurant (Toronto, Canada) 6(4): 27
Mandarin (Pickering, Canada) 2(4): 14, 18
Many (Caracas, Venezuela) 10(3): 5, 7, 33-35
Marigold (Sydney, Australia) 4(2): 20
May Wah Fast Food (New York City, NY) 3(3): 7
Mike’s Noodlehouse (Seattle, WA) 8(4): 24
Mu Dan Tin (Flushing, NY) 9(4): 18
New Oriental Restaurant (Whitehorse, Canada) 10(4): 21
Nonya and Baba (Singapore) 9(4): 28
North Dragon (Whitehorse, Canada) 10(4): 21
O-Mei Restaurante (Lima, Peru) 9(3): 18
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro (Westbury, NY) 7(1): 23
Palaccio Beijing (Lima, Peru) 9(3): 18 (Seattle, WA) 8(4): 24
Phoenix Restaurant (Chicago, IL) 9(4): 19
Pink Panda (Luxor, Egypt) 7(2): 23
Port Author (New York City, NY) 9(4): 12
Regent Restaurant (Cairo, Egypt) 7(2): 23, 30
Restaurant Ave Fenix (San Juan, Costa Rica) 7(1): 15
Restaurant Salon China (Lima, Peru) 9(3): 18
Restaurant Fu Lu Su (San Juan, Costa Rica) 7(1): 16
Restaurante Royal (Lima, Peru) 9(2): 29-30
Ruby Restaurant (Hong Kong) 3(3): 7
Sally Ling's (Fort Lee, NJ) 2(2): 11
Salon Capon (Lima, Peru) 9(3): 17
Sammy’s Noodle Shop and Grill (New York City, NY) 7(1): 21
Shang Cheng Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) 8(4): 20
Shang-Hai (Sicily) 8(3): 15
Shao Du Hui (Flushing, NY) 6(2): 24
Shizouka's Chojiya Restaurant (Yokohama, Japan) 3(4): 9
Sichuan Dynasty (Flushing, NY) 10(4): 7, 19
Singapore Chinese Restaurant (Minneapolis, MN) 8(4): 20
Single Pebble, A (Barre, VT) 9(1): 15
Snake King Completely and Restaurant (Guangzhou, China) 3(2): 22
Spicy and Tasty (Flushing, NY) 10(4): 7-8
St. Alps Tea House New York City, NY) 6(4): 5
Straits Café (San Francisco, CA) 5(2): 17
Sun Yuen Ming Lee (Hong Kong) 9(1): 22
Sunny East (New York City, NY) 2(4): 14
Susanna Foo's Chinese Restaurant (Philadelphia, PA) 5(3): 15, 21-22
Swatow Restaurant (Toronto, Canada) 6(3): 12
Sweet-n-Tart Café (New York City, NY) 3(3): 8
Taipei Wall Sea Street Restaurant (Flushing, NY) 3(2): 16
Taipei Noodle House (Teaneck, NJ) 2(1): 17
Tasty Dumpling (New York City, NY) 9(4): 18
Templo del Cielo (Cancun, Mexico) 9(2): 26
Ten Ren Tea and Ginseng Company (New York City, NY) 6(4): 26
Thai House (Flushing, NY) 9(2): 24-25
Thanh Vi Restaurant (New York City, NY) 3(3): 8
Tibet on Houston (New York City, NY) 6(4): 12
Tindo's (New York City, NY) 5(3): 21-22
Tong Lok (Singapore) 9(4): 29
Tse Yang (New York City, NY) 8(1): 27
Tsing Tao (Palm Desert, CA) 10(4): 22
Wa Lok (Lima, Peru) 9(3): 17
Wakiya (Tokyo, Japan) 9(2): 8, 29
WKYT Restaurant (New York City, NY) 3(3): 7-8
Wu Liang Ye (New York City, NY) 5(1): 14
Xiao Li (Salt Lake City, UT) 5(4): 12
Yank Sing (San Francisco, CA) 4(1): 15, 17
Yat Chau Health Restaurant (Guangzhou, China) 3(2): 22
Yuan Yuen Snack Shop (New York City, NY) 3(3): 7
Yum Cha (Guangzhou, China) 3(2): 8
Yung Kee (Hong Kong) 9(1): 22


About Flavor and Fortune 3(3): 14
Alternative health practices 6(3): 31
An instant thickener 10(2): 14
Angong Nuihuang Wan medicine 2(4): 8
Apple exports from China 10(4): 35
Asian Food Bookery 3(3): 14
Asian Diet Pyramid 3(2): 10
Asian restaurant’s best-selling dishes 8(3): 29
Auspicious name use 6(4): 6
Bamboo dish 10(2): 14
Bamboo pith 9(2): 6
Barbecued pork 7(2): 26
Barbecue sauce products 5(2): 10
Bean curd sheet 9(3): 6
Birds nest 3(2): 6
Black chickens are silkies 10(2): 7
Book awards 7(2): 27
Book source 5(2): 10
Books about unusual food items 8(4): 13-14
Braised abalone, vegetarian style 3(1): 14
Camel hooves 10(3): 6, 8
Camel toe and a Chinese cookbook 8(3): 6
Carcinogens in sauces, are they a hoax 7(3): 6
China trip 9(2): 6
Chinese black vinegars 2(1): 4
Chinese community cookbooks 6(3): 14
Chinese Cooking Teachers, an association 4(1): 8
Chinese cuisine symposium 2(1): 14; 3(3): 14
Chinese culinary collections 3(4): 12
Chinese dates, chinaberry, hawthorn fruits, and star anise 6(2): 6, 29
Chinese dietary guidelines 7(1): 6, 8
Chinese Dietary Culture, an Association 3(4): 12
Chinese hamburger–Old Bun 7(3): 6
Chinese herbals 10(1): 6
Chinese medicine 4(3): 18
Chinese New Year 9(4): 6
Chinese powdered tea 10(3): 8
Chinese sandwich on a hamburger bun 6(1): 26
Chinese table manners 9(2): 27-28
Chop suey and chow mein on the web 8(1): 26
Chop suey origins 10(3): 6
Chopstick helpers 2(1): 11
Chopstick protocol 5(3): 10
Chow mein sandwich 6(1): 26; 7(2): 6; 7(3): 6; 10(2): 7
Classy place selling soy sauce 10(2): 16-17
Claypot problems 8(2): 6
Cleavers 4(2): 17
Conpoy 9(2): 6
Cookbooks for the holidays 9(4): 13
Cookbooks with easily available ingredients 8(2): 27
Cooking oil 3(3): 12
Cooking starches 2(2): 9
Cultural ABC’s Conference 2(3): 19
Cures for hangover 8(2): 7
Dang gui 7(1): 6
Das Menu’s of 1877 9(2): 6, 29
Dietary guidelines for the Chinese 7(1): 8
Dietary suggestions 4(3): 19
Dogs, cats, and mice 7(4): 6
Dried meat, jerky style 8(1): 8
Early recipe 4(4): 8
Eastwind Books 5(2): 10
Eating with chopsticks 4(4): 8
Eel 3(2): 6; 5(3): 10; 5(4): 10
Empress salad request 6(4): 6
Ethnic food consumption 3(2): 10
Fa Choi 9(2): 6, 34
Favorite ethnic foods 3(2): 10
Fermented bean cake 3(3): 14
Fish lips 10(1): 6
Five-spice powder 5(4): 10
Flavoring wines 4(2): 6
Food experts and Chinese food 9(4): 6
From Cathay to Canada, a conference 4(1): 19
Fuji Trading Company 8(3): 29
Fujian wine paste 8(2): 27
Fusion food 4(2): 6
Gaiwan, a Chinese covered teacup 7(3): 6
Garlic and ginger pastes 10(4): 35
General Tso 6(3): 6
Ginger 3(3): 14
Gingko nuts 3(1): 15; 4(3): 10; 10(4): 6
Ginseng 3(1): 15; 3(3): 12
Gods of good fortune 8(2): 7
Hasma 10(1): 6
Headache cures 8(2): 7
Herbal medicine advisory 3(3): 12
Herb recall, aristolochic acid (fang chi) 8(4): 7(3): 27
Herbal concerns 9(4): 14
Herbal informational sources 6(4): 18
Herbal pharmacopeia book 6(2): 6, 29
Herbal warning, ephedra 8(1): 25
Herbs 3(1): 15; 5(2): 10
Honest tea 8(2): 27
Horses bread 8(2): 7
Hunanese restaurant source 10(2): 6
Indonesian Chinese food 3(4): 12
Ingredients in ‘Cool Fatless Tea’ 10(3): 18
Ivy restaurant award 3(2): 10
Jade Chopsticks awards 4(1): 19; 4(2): 14; 4(2): 17
Jews in China 9(1): 6; 9(2): 6
Jim Leff Restaurant Guide 6(1): 26
Jinhua ham 7(3): 6
Joyce Chen spiral slicer 6(1): 22
Lokschen and China’ Jews 8(3): 6
Long Island Duck origins 10(3): 6 
Longest Chinese TV cooking program 4(4): 8
Loyang Banquet 2(4): 8
Ma Huang/ephedra 8(1): 25
Making Chicken with Fuyu 10(1): 6
Making Chow Mein 10(2): 7
Manchurian cuisine 9(4): 6
Mandarin Restaurant celebrates its 25th 9(2): 27
Mandarin Restaurant website 6(1): 12
Mango pudding 6(1): 26
Medicinal food journal 5(2): 10
Molds for making moon cakes 4(2): 17
Mountain herb eggs 7(4): 6
Mushrooms 8(3): 29
Mushrooms at funerals 8(3): 29
New teas and teabags 8(2): 27
Noodles 5(1): 10
Oolong green tea 6(3): 6
Ordinary dinner for a wealthy man in 1877 9(1): 29
Organ meat consumption 8(2): 10
Osmanthus flower jam 3(1): 14
Ostrich meat 6(3): 6
Pangi 9(2): 28, 35
Pepper-salt 7(2): 6
Pheasant 3(3): 12
Pickled ginger 8(3): 29
Pigs feet 5(1): 10
Popular Chinese ingredients 4(1): 8
Powdered teas 10(4): 6
Preserving ginger 6(2): 29
Qingdao beer 5(1): 10
Quick-cooked meat stew 7(2): 26
Real Literary Feast article 8(1): 26
Red rice 7(2): 6; 10(3): 6
Rice wine 2(1): 4
Rosengarten Report 10(4): 35
Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto 6(3): 12
Rules for drinking and eating in 14th Century 7(2): 26
Sea buckthorn fruit 9(3): 6
Sea cucumber 2(3): 10
Second Plenary Conference 2(3): 19; 2(4): 13
Shark bone 7(3): 28
Shark's fin 10(1): 7
Singaporean cookbooks 8(2): 14; 8(3): 29
Skinny Eel 5(4): 10
Smithfield ham 2(1): 14
Smokey lapsong souchong Chinese vinegar 9(4): 13
Soy sauce factory 10(2): 16
Soy sauce tasting 10(2): 17
Soy and oyster sauce health concerns 7(3): 6
Spiral slicer makes thin vegetable strings 6(1): 12
Spring Rolls in Xiamen 8(3): 7
Star anise advisory 10(4): 35, 38
Steamed food history 5(3): 10
Stuffed mushrooms 9(2): 34
Substitute for sa cha sauce 2(2): 9
Susanna Foo honor 4(1): 16
Sweet potato flour 8(1): 25
Tangerine peel 6(2): 6
TCM, traditional test 4(4): 10, 12
Tea 3(2): 10; 4(4): 18; 5(1): 10; 6(3): 6
Tea brewing instructions 6(1): 23
Tea consumption 9(2): 28
Tea strainer 7(1): 6
Tea test 4(4): 10, 12
Therapeutic use of ginger 3(1): 15
Tibetan tea 3(2): 6
Tofu 2(2): 9; 2(4): 8; 3(3): 12; 4(1): 8
Tom Wone Cookbook 8(1): 25
Tomato use in China 9(4): 14
Traditional Chinese vegetarianism 4(3): 10; 4(3): 18-19
Treasured recipes book 6(3): 14
Tsao Kuo 8(2): 7
Upcoming Chinese New Years 7(2): 27
Vegetarian braised abalone 3(1): 14
Vegetarian pamphlet 3(1): 15
Vinegar winner 9(4): 13
Wei-Chuan cookbooks 9(4): 13
Where chop suey began 10(3): 6
White soy sauce and other Sid Wainer food treats 9(4): 6
Whole pig, Chinese style 10(1): 7
Wine talk 9(4): 14
Winter solstice holiday 9(4): 6
Wintermelon 2(3): 10
Xiamen foods 8(3): 7
XO sauce 7(3): 27
Yellow-bird buns 7(2): 26
Yin and Yang about tripe 10(2): 6

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