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Past Articles for Issue 14(3)

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Lapsang Souchong Tea
Fall  200714(3)
Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Their Foods
Dong: A Chinese Nationality
Fall  200714(3)
Chinese Food in Central and South America
On Menus: In Northern Mexico (at Restaurant Shanjai, and Restaurant Mandarin China, both in Chihuahua Mexico)
Fall  200714(3)
Chinese Food in the USA
Dumplings by Vanessa
Fall  200714(3)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Chinatown event; Pun-choi; Macanese eatery; Portland news; Imitation shark's fin; Dragon fruit; Dongbei eateries; Black rose dish; Kudos; Yeast balls; Haw and dragon fruit; Dried oyster pancakes; Chung Young Festival
Fall  200714(3)
Personal Perspectives
A Chat with Kylie Kwong
Fall  200714(3)
A Trove of Chinese Cookbooks
Fall  200714(3)
On Our Bookshelves
Fall  200714(3)
Restaurant Reviews
Banquet Beauty is a Small Suburb (Lotus East II in Mt. Sinai NY)
Fall  200714(3)
Vegetables and Vegetarian Foods
Chinese Yam
Fall  200714(3)
Lotus: Loved, Luscious, and Honored
Fall  200714(3)

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