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Past Articles for Issue 19(2)

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Tea Topics and Tales
Summer  201219(2)
Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Their Foods
Bai Minority People and Their foods
Summer  201219(2)
Chinese Minority Weddings--Part V: Korean, Bai, Hani, Kazakh, Li, and Dai Peoples
Summer  201219(2)
Chinese Food in China, Hong Kong, and/or Taiwan
Dali: Its Old and New Cities
Summer  201219(2)
Tianjin and Its Culinary Pleasures
Summer  201219(2)
Chinese Food in the Middle East
Chinese Cuisine in Iran
Summer  201219(2)
Food in History
Early Chinese Larders
Summer  201219(2)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Tea amounts to drink; Animal tendons; Soy beans and soy foods; Silk squash and scrambled egg; Chinese population in Flushing; Medicines to take to China; Pineapple rice; Making Er Kuai after the recipes
Summer  201219(2)
Vegetables and Vegetarian Foods
Chestnuts Intrigue
Summer  201219(2)

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