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Past Articles for Issue 24(1)

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Chinese Calendar
Rooster Years
Spring  201724(1)
Chinese Food in the Middle East
Fruits. Part III: Hawthorn and Beyond
Spring  201724(1)
Islamic Food and Folk in China
Spring  201724(1)
Middle Eastern and Chinese Tastes in Kashkar
Spring  201724(1)
Dear Reader
Food For Thought
Spring  201724(1)
Food For Thought
Spring  201724(1)
Garlic: Chinese Love and Lore
Spring  201724(1)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Bobbi Reports, Ellie on Zodiac
Spring  201724(1)
Regional Foods
Spring  201724(1)
Soups and Congees
Soups: Sweet and Savory
Spring  201724(1)
Unusual Ingredients
Sharks and Their Fins
Spring  201724(1)
Vegetables and Vegetarian Foods
Bamboo Shoots: An Update
Spring  201724(1)

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