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Past Articles for Issue 8(3)

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Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Their Foods
Mongolian Culture and Cuisine in Transition
Fall  20018(3)
Chinese Food in Europe
On Many Menus: In Sicily
Fall  20018(3)
Food as Herbs, Health, and Medicine
An Ancient Medicinal: Cordyceps Sinensis
Fall  20018(3)
Holidays and Celebrations
Dragon Boat Festival
Fall  20018(3)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Kudos and cash; Persian-Jewish trading pre Marco Polo; Australian Chinese cookbook; Mango; Xiamin delicacies
Fall  20018(3)
Newman's News and Notes
TOPICS: Mushrooms, Best-selling dishes; Pickled ginger; Singaporean cookbooks; Help needed seeking a booklet
Fall  20018(3)
Sauces, Seasonings, and Spices
Vinegar: A Basic Taste
Fall  20018(3)
Vegetables and Vegetarian Foods
Sea Vegetables: An Immortality Elixir
Fall  20018(3)
Sweet Potatoes, Yams, and the Yam Bean
Summer  20018(3)

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