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Past Articles for Issue 10(2)

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Dianne Jacob Mango Slurp Fest
Harley Spiller A Buffalonian's Journey to Jewish Shanghai
Jacqueline M. Newman Savoring Diversity on the Silk Road
  TOPICS INCLUDE: Tripe differences; Hunanese restaurant; Silkies; Sichuan-style Chow Mein; A helpful thickener; Pagination error
  Chinese Spice Cupboard: Cinnamon
  Chopsticks and Woks
  On Menus: In New York
  Soy Sauce: A Factory Visit and Tasting
  Silk Squash
  Yunnan Cuisine
  Yi People and Their Food
  One Food Five Flavors, continued
Lillian Chou Ching Ming and a Walk in the Mountains

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