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Past Articles for Issue 23(3)

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Liu, Zhengyu Chinese Food Research in Japan
  Chinese Food Research in Japan
Lu Ying China's Ancient 'Book of Songs'
Newman, Jacqueline M. Chiu Chow Cuisine
  Squid, Snails, and Salamanders; Sea Vegetables, too
  Gelo: Minority Folk and Their Food
  Fruits Are Very Popular: Part I
  Pork Sung is Pork Floss
  Sugar: A Hidden Ingredient
  Questions About Confucius
  TOPICS INCLUDE: F&F Corrections; Ketchup in Indonesia; Chinese crab beliefs; Zheng He; Taiwan, a food lovers paradise; Dishes named by ingredients; Donating a bought book; 1st Chinese restaurant in US; Green tea; Ginger-pickled walnuts; Hezhen man

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