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Past Articles for Issue 11(4)

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Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Their Foods
On The Menu: Halal Food
Winter  200411(4)
Chinese Food in the USA
Lessons in Chinese Cuisine
Winter  200411(4)
Eggs: Fresh and Preserved, Chinese Style
Winter  200411(4)
Food in History
Turtle Means Longevity
Winter  200411(4)
Holidays and Celebrations
Life-cycle Events: Funerals
Winter  200411(4)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Do Chinese really drink milk; Kudos; Foods used on coinage; Hakka food; Using maltose; Jean-George in Shangai; Yank Sing: Salty Zongzi recipe correction
Fall  200411(4)
Newman's News and Notes
TOPICS: Asian Restaurants; Food for winter; Swedish books; Chinese acculturation; Pu-er tea
Winter  200411(4)
Nuts and Chestnuts
Winter  200411(4)

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