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Past Articles for Issue 25(4)

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Chinese Food in the US
Winter  201725(4)
Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Their Foods
Naxi: A Minority with Many Names
Winter  201825(4)
Dear Reader
Food For Thought
Winter  201825(4)
Fish and Seafood
Shrimp In China
Winter  201825(4)
Food in History
Early Chinese Cookbooks
Winter  201825(4)
Silk Road Culinary Influences
Winter  201825(4)
Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods
Kiwi: Gooseberry is Still a Yang-Tao
Winter  201825(4)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Spice Rub, Recipe Records, Supreme God, Yin/Yang Methods, Gingko, Chinatown, Sailing Ships, Marco Polo, Solstice, Duck Tongue, Soup Dumplings, Minorities
Winter  201825(4)
Rice, Noodles, and Other Grain Foods
Staple Foods: Rice and Wheat
Winter  201825(4)
Soups and Congees
Skin Beauty in Winter and All Year
Winter  201825(4)

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