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Past Articles for Issue 3(4)

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Chinese Food in Asia (but not China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan)
Off the Menu - Chinese Food in Japan and about Yokohama's Chinatown
Winter  19963(4)
Chinese Food in the Middle East
Culinary Promise Fulfilled - In the Promised Land
Winter  19963(4)
Chinese Restaurant General Information
Chinese Restaurants Abroad
Winter  19963(4)
Patron and Restaurant Rights: Changes in Law
Winter  19963(4)
Conferences, Meetings, Announcements, and Reports
The Symposium Dinner
Winter  19963(4)
Food as Herbs, Health, and Medicine
Recipes Can Meet Dietary Needs: Shrimp
Winter  19963(4)
Food in History
Early Chinese Food History
Winter  19963(4)
Foods and Symbolism
Chinese Food Symbolism: Vegetables (Part IV- More About Them)
Winter  19963(4)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Chinese repositories; Chinese Dietary Foundation; Indonesian Chinese food
Winter  19963(4)
General Tso - The Mystery Man
Winter  19963(4)
Chinese Food and the Net
Winter  19963(4)
Sauces, Seasonings, and Spices
Winter  19963(4)

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