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Past Articles for Issue 4(1)

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Powers, Jo Marie and Duncan, Dorothy From Cathay to Canada: Chinese Cuisine in Transition
Betty Schultz Goldberg From Cooking to Cookbook
David Karp Lychees and Their Kin
Harley Spiller Off the Menu: On Menus (or Why I Collect Them)
Irving Beilin Chang Heart Strengthens Heart - Stomach Strengthens Stomach
Jacqueline M. Newman TOPICS: Susanna Foo; Shopping Israeli style
  Jade Chopsticks Awards
  Chinese Food as Medicine Conference
  TOPICS INCLUDE: Israeli Chinese food; Tofu; Chinese cooking teachers; Asian foods in your pantry; Mexican-Chinese food
Judy Ross Know Your Fortune Cookie: New Faces on an Old Friend
Robert Goldberg Changing Images of Chinese Food: The Symposium Report
Wonona Wong Chang Banquet of Banquets, with Bird's Nests

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