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Past Articles for Issue 21(4)

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Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Their Foods
Hunan Cuisine: Sichuan's Piquant Cousin
Winter  201421(4)
Chinese Food in the USA
Chinese- Americans and Their Food
Winter  201421(4)
Fish and Seafood
Oysters and Oyster Sauce
Winter  201421(4)
Food in History
Father Boym Illustrates a Chinese Banquet
Winter  201421(4)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Error found about numbering; The Chinese use of cupping; The mooncake exhibition at Stony Brook University; Historical Chinese food; Needing an English-language map of Hangzhou
Winter  201421(4)
Regional Foods
Artemisia Meals in Enshi, China
Winter  201421(4)
Henan Cuisine: China's Culinary Cradle
Winter  201421(4)
Hunan Cuisine: Sichuan's Piquant Cousin
Winter  201421(4)
Mongolia And Its Foods
Winter  201421(4)
Taiwan and Its Foods
Winter  201421(4)
Uygur: China's Fifth Largest Minority Group
Winter  201421(4)
Flavor and Fortune:To Date
Winter  201421(4)
Chopsticks: Their Interesting Hstory
Winter  201421(4)
Flavor and Fortune: To Date
Winter  201421(4)
Flavor and Fortune: To Date
Winter  201521(4)
Restaurant Reviews
On The Menu at Golden Palace
Winter  201421(4)

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