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Past Articles for Issue 3(2)

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Braverman, Susan Recipes Can Meet Dietary Needs: Goose
Chang, Irving Beilin Sweet Like Honey
Chang, Wonona Wong Beloved Bean Milk
Kwok, D.W.Y. Chinese Palate and Its Pleasures, The
Newman, Jacqueline M. Chinese Food Symbolism: Meat (Part II)
  More About Unusual Meats (Fish Lips, Bird's Nests, Duck Liver, Camel Paw, and Duck Tongues
  TOPICS: Healthy eating; Ethnic foods; Winning restaurant; Pharmacopeia
  TOPICS INCLUDE: Eating eel; Tibetan tea; Bird's nest
Spiller, Harley More Than Just Food: A Cultural ABC's Conference
  Off the Menu: Hong Kong & Guangzhou Specialities

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