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Past Articles for Issue 5(1)

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Chang, Irving Beilin Vegetable Choices and Concepts
Chang, Wonona Wong Fun Si or Dragon Mouth
Fung, Yee-Chak (Daniel) A Chinese Food Enthusiast in Small-town USA
Gulden, Georgia S. Paradox of Plenty in China and Hong Kong
Karp, David New Jersey Asian Pears: Crunchy, Juicy, and Sweet
Koveos, Eva Five Tastes--Many Impacts
Laudan, Rachel Three Mexican Puzzles:Are Chinese Immigrants the Answer?
Newman, Jacqueline M. TOPICS INCLUDE: Tea; Qingdao; More issues; Pigs feet and Grandma
  Recipe Requests--Wraps and Rolls
  Sichuan or Szechuan: A Pair of Restaurant Reviews
  Five-sauce Comparison

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