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Past Articles for 2004

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Barbecued and Roasted Meat
Fall  200411(3)
Black Rice
Fall  200411(3)
Chicken, Duck Liver, and the Pins
Fall  200411(3)
Chinese Chestnuts
Summer  200411(2)
Chinese New Year Odyssey, A
Spring  200411(1)
Chinese Restaurant Project, A
Summer  200411(2)
Chinese XO Sauce--A Connoiseur's Caviar
Summer  200411(2)
Chinese-Indian Taste Partnerships
Summer  200411(2)
Chop Suey
Fall  200411(3)
Coriander in the Chinese Spice Cupboard
Spring  200411(1)
Cuisine of the Duncan (Hui) People
Summer  200411(2)
Cumin: An Ancient SIlk Road Spice
Summer  200411(2)
Eggs: Fresh and Preserved, Chinese Style
Winter  200411(4)
Fish Maw
Summer  200411(3)
Islamic Cuisine in China
Summer  200411(2)
La Choy: Going on Seventy-five
Summer  200411(2)
Lessons in Chinese Cuisine
Winter  200411(4)
Life-cycle Events: Funerals
Winter  200411(4)
Life-cycle Events: Weddings
Fall  200411(3)
Winter  200411(4)
On Menus (and more): in Vancouver
Spring  200411(1)
On Menus in Motown, Detroit's Chinatown
Fall  200411(3)
On Menus: In Denmark and Poland
Summer  200411(2)
On The Menu: Halal Food
Winter  200411(4)
TOPICS INCLUDE: Chinese chestnuts; Eating ball foods; Provincial names; Chop suey; Sun-moon Fish; Cats and dogs, Mouse tail recipe; La Choy vs a Gourmet recipe
Fall  200411(3)
TOPICS INCLUDE: Do Chinese really drink milk; Kudos; Foods used on coinage; Hakka food; Using maltose; Jean-George in Shangai; Yank Sing: Salty Zongzi recipe correction
Fall  200411(4)
TOPICS INCLUDE: Kudos for A&B Lobster House; Plum sauce recipes; Mary Sia recipes; Chinese pastry; Roasted meat seasonings
Spring  200411(1)
TOPICS INCLUDE: Kudos; Calendars; Dragon Beard candy; China Root; Seaweed powder
Summer  200411(2)
TOPICS: Web pages and restaurant selection; Beard House chef from Louisville KY
Spring  200411(1)
TOPICS: Asian Restaurants; Food for winter; Swedish books; Chinese acculturation; Pu-er tea
Winter  200411(4)
TOPICS: Best of 'City Search'; Chinese-Korean food; Snails; Population explosions
Fall  200411(3)
Turtle Means Longevity
Winter  200411(4)
Uzbek Cuisine, Chinese Style
Fall  200411(3)
Woks, Fishing Nets, and Ceramic Jars
Spring  200411(1)
Xinjiang's Uygur Food
Spring  200411(1)

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