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Past Articles for Issue 14(2)

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A Tea-riffic Story of Two 'Tens'
Summer  200714(2)
San Francisco's Banquet Beverage
Summer  200714(2)
Chinese Food in China, Hong Kong, and/or Taiwan
Discovering Dongbei Delicacies
Summer  200714(2)
Dongbei Cookery and Recipe Delights
Summer  200714(2)
Chinese Food in the USA
On Menus in Los Angeles
Summer  200714(2)
Equipment and Techniques
Chopstick Origin and Usage
Summer  200714(2)
Food in History
Food and Chinese Funeral Practices
Summer  200714(2)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Jellies from worms; Past issues; Smaller portions; Chinese restaurants in USA; Chinese immigrant population; Sea rats; History of Din Tai Fung; Fruits on skewers; Pun Choi dishes; Foods from Macao; Soy sauce for healing
Summer  200714(2)
Newman's News and Notes
TOPICS: Asian Metro Food magazine; Dragon fruit; Baozi is not jiaozi
Summer  200714(2)
Personal Perspectives
Moi--Miss Piggy
Summer  200714(2)
Restaurant Reviews
Menu Updates (for P.F. Chang's Bistro, and in San Francisco for R & G Lounge and the Old Mandarin Islamic Restaurant)
Summer  200714(2)
On Menus in Los Angeles, Part Two
Summer  200714(2)
Unusual Ingredients
Shark Fin Cookery
Summer  200714(2)

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