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Past Articles for Issue 19(1)

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Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Their Foods
Chinese Minority Weddings--Part IV: About the Buyei; Dong, and Yao People
Spring  201219(1)
Chinese Food in China, Hong Kong, and/or Taiwan
America’s Foods Came Early To China
Spring  201219(1)
China's Rice Economy
Spring  201219(1)
Stinky Foods and their Customs
Spring  201219(1)
Spring  201219(1)
Yunnan: People, Places, and Culinary Pleasures, Part I
Spring  201219(1)
Foods and Symbolism
Eights Are Important
Spring  201219(1)
Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods
Chinese Sweet Treats
Spring  201219(1)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Noodles; China's elderly; Home-cooked sauces; Eating camel; Wormwood; Pigs in China; Tofu fish cake; Duanwu Festival; Stuffed crullers; Beech mushrooms; Galia melon; Kaifeng; Tibetan butter churn
Spring  201219(1)
Newman's News and Notes
TOPICS: Hangzhou; Meat in China; People in China; Chinese in America
Spring  201219(1)
Personal Perspectives
Martin Yan's Lifetime Achievement Award
Spring  201219(1)
Chinese Culinary History
Spring  201219(1)

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