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Past Articles for Issue 9(1)

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Chinese Food in Central and South America
Cuba: Chinese Food and a Festival
Spring  20029(1)
Chinese Food in China, Hong Kong, and/or Taiwan
Butter and Beauty in Tibet
Spring  20029(1)
Hong Kong Revisited
Spring  20029(1)
Peking-style is Northern Cuisine
Spring  20029(1)
Food in History
Cold Food and Ice in the Chinese Culinary
Spring  20029(1)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Jews in China; More about a trip to China; Missing ingredient in Eggplant Pickle recipe; Hanover Das Menu book
Spring  20029(1)
Prolific and Terrific Author: Deh-Ta Hsiung
Spring  20029(1)
Personal Perspectives
Ancient China, Young Tasters
Spring  20029(1)
Duck Boys, Duck Eggs, and Egg-chemists
Spring  20029(1)
Soups and Congees
Congee: Asia's Bowl Full of Comfort
Spring  20029(1)

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