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Past Articles for Issue 9(2)

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Elaina Munoz-Hamill Green Tea: Health Perspectives
Harley Spiller Hong Kong Since the Changeover, concluded
Irving Beilin Chang Fuyu: China's Fermented Soy Bean Cheese
Jacqueline M. Newman Five-star Restaurants: In Singapore, Tokyo, and Peru
  TOPICS INCLUDE: Bamboo pith; Conpoy; Fat Boy; Stuffed Mushrooms with Chicken dish
  Soy Milk in Many Forms
  Martin Yan: A Prolific and Terrific Author
  Hmong, The
  On Menus: In Flushing, A Boston suburb, and Cancun
  TOPICS: 25-year-old restaurant; Chinese table manners; Tea; Pangi nut; Hong Kong Culture and Society-- A book review
Jorge Salazar Chinese Flavors of Peru
Karen Comstock Chinese Calligraphy: The Art of Written Language

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